Works fine while you only play up to levels given in tasks, i.e. 50 for easy, etc.
Play after level 100 freezes when there is a lot of particles and artifacts on screen at the same time
If you play beyond task level limits (free play), game gets slower in responses, freezes, cpu usage goes up significantly as in free play bloons appear more often and in larger quantities
Multiplayer works, single player not so much
Initial launch launches in strange resolution but can be fixed in settings
Single player not really playable, frequent freezes and lags. significant cpu usage
I have tried to play single player but on my computer that doesn't really work, game is freezing, lagging. On the other hand, multiplayer works much better. There are some lags here and there but over experience is quite enjoyable
With GeForce it works perfect
Runs OK for occasional play. In long term would be a bit frustrating to play
Sometimes pilot phrases are not correct based on where car is, i.e. sometimes late or too early
Game sometimes freezes for few seconds
Game itself runs kinda normally with few occasional freezes without skipping frames, i.e. frozen section continues from same point and doesn't skip any sections
despite some missing textures it is still quite enjoyable
few textures missing in cockipt view. visually wheel and other stuff in cockpit is just a big black blob
Crashes every few minutes, impossible to play
works with suggested fixes
extremely high cpu/gpu temperature while playing
extremely high cpu/gpu temperature while playing. i am on laptop and this is first time that playing became hard because of hot keyboard. game itself runs smoothly, no lags or freezes.
works same as web version