Works beautifully OOTB
Some minigames require use of touchscreen.
Game does not sync saves to Steam Cloud.
Keeps stable 90fps at all times at highest settings.
Just go with native version
Both Linux native and Proton version work great with no issues.
Farlight 84 is a curiosity.
With pretty much all of the games the issue on Linux is that the game works great, but anti-cheat doesn't. Farlight 84 does things other way around - while EAC executes and attaches itself properly, the game itself doesn't want to run, no matter what solutions I've tried. It just shows black screen for a few seconds and crashes.
gamemoderun %command%
Sometimes game just shows black screen despite it seemingy running, Alt-Tabbing fixes that issue
The game menus were very laggy, and in some cases game just stuck on choosing settings for 2-3 minutes, and was stucking on "Loading, please wait..." screen for 10 minutes even.
The solution was limiting FPS in mangohud. I fumbled around 2 hours to figure it out...
With Exclusive Fullscreen sometimes FPS is borked after Alt-Tab until restart, but I couldn't reproduce it every time. It's better to just set game to Fullscreen Window, there's no performance difference.
Game is running way smoother with VSync turned on. It needs to be FPS-capped with mangohud, as in-game FPS limiter doesn't work with VSync turned on.
WINE_CPU_TOPOLOGY=16:0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23 gamescope -W 2560 -H 1440 -r 280 -e -f -- %command%
Without gamescope game would crash right after alt-tabbing.
Mouse freaks out until Mouse Input setting is set/changed again to Raw Input. Also helps to get rid of system cursor, as gamescope sometimes do not detect input from the game (works fine with a controller).
Without gamescope game crashes half of the time upon launch, half of the time upon starting story mode.
Using gamescope helps immensely with any issues that could occur. Noticed a small uptick in frames per second upon changing CPU affinity to CCU0 exclusively.
After initial configuration hurdles game runs perfectly fine
Can sometimes crash when in fullscreen, no crashes whatsoever when in borderless, but there's white outline around the game window.
Game will crash first time when during adjusting gamma setting, and later once again while loading first time to game. It only happens upon first launch of the game, and I could replicate that every time. However besides those two crashes game is extremely stable, and I haven't encountered any more crashes.
Works perfectly fine OOTB.
Game was stuttering a bit at launch, it's now fixed with 1.01 patch.
Shaders must be compiled before playing, otherwise the whole game is a stuttery unplayable mess - for me it went from 6fps in bigger starting locations to 70~80. Also choosing Proton 7.0-6 or GE-Proton7-55 also helps a ton. After those fixes game stutters at most for half a second while entering new area.
Native version doesn't work very well, stucks for half a second everytime I turn mouse too fast, Proton version only runs to launcher and doesn't run game either on DX11 and DX9, even with all suggested tweaks applied.
Voice chat works flawlessly on pipewire-pulse
Works great, just as playable as on Windows. Maybe it's fixed, but I haven't encountered any input lags, be it with radial menu, or anything else.
Game gains significant FPS boost when run with Gallium Nine on older AMD GPUs.
After initial launch run protontricks (gui recommended), choose present WINEPREFIX, IGNORE 64-bit warning, and install galliumnine package via "Install a Windows DLL or component" menu.
Remember to remove any WINED3D and DXVK launch parameters.
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 gamemoderun %command%
Stutters when moving camera, moving mouse really fast was essentially freezing the game.
Game was stuttering when using FeralGamemode, was stuttering with USE_WINED3D. What helped was taking both of those and changing Proton to really old version - 5.13-6 was working fine, but 4.11-13 made it work perfectly (also splash screen changed for some reason). Also turning on VSync in options is pretty much necessary - it improves performance and fixes physics issues.
WINE_CPU_TOPOLOGY=4:0,1,16,17 %command%
The game won't run on CPUs with over 31 threads (0xFFFFFFFF), it's necessary to limit them with WINE_CPU_TOPOLOGY config option.