DK Pepper
Can't get past 2nd menu
Game installed, opens two windows like mentioned before Main game is in full screen, movie window is seperate. Every time a "splash logo" or anything plays in the movie window, it then closes and opens a new one. Every time a new one is opened the main game is minimized. Not sure if you can do this dance without two monintors since you need both to be in view for it to do anything. Unlike other reviews though the movie window does actually play
When I get to the main menue i can click on anything and it works. BUT when i click New Game or Continue the next screen is selecting a save file. Nothing in this screen is clickable (enter does nothing too)
Tried forcing expirimental and other versions people repoted works. Tried diabling Direct X 11 like other said. No matter which launch option i pick i get:
Failed to initialize Direct3D. Make sure you have at least DirectX 9.0c installed, have drivers for your graphics card and have not disabled 3D acceleration in display settings. InitializeEngineGraphics failed
Working now
Assuming there was something wrong with my previous hardware when trying to play. Had a minor upgrade and everything is working now
Slow load time?
Long start time
Game launches a black window. You assume it's crashed but if you wait a few minutes it starts running just fine. You'll even get a few pop up warnings asking you to force quit due to not responding, just click "wait"
EAC loads but not game
EAC splash screen loads, times out, error 108 (directx11 not found. launching in directx9). Then the game no longer apears in TOP, but steam still thinks its running
Doesn't launch
Tried the launch options mentioned in the other reports. couldn't get it to start. Without the launch option, the steam doesn't even try to start it. With the launch option never get past "prepairing to start game"
Everything But Hosting
I can not host, but can join games. Hosting causes game to exit
Initial start up takes awhile, but once in everything works except hosting a game. When i host the game crashes to desktop. Can join other peoples game and play with no issues
Used to work
Tried all proton options too
No longer works. All versions of proton give a direct X error and don't start the game. Native will start the game but locks up on the D3T splash after the SEGA into.
Don't know what happened, used to work fine a few weeks ago and is not unusable
%command% /nolauncher
No Multiplayer
The work arounds listed sadly don't work for me as they need protontricks, and proton tricks won't recognize my steam installation
Everything is flawless unless you try to mod it - mods don't install
Didn't used to work a few months ago, but not just works fine
Tried default, expirimental, hot fix, 7.0-6, and 6.3-8. Gave up after this due to it locking my PC each time.
You can see the opening slash screens/video, but it locks up in a black screen after. Would love to see this playible, but i don't have the know how to tinker outside of changing proton or using Lutris(doesn't find this game)