Sometimes crashes when using the jetpack. Game is unplayable with default settings, on lowest graphical settings in 1270x720 the maximum is still 50 fps, often stutters. Doesn't start with PROTON_NO_D3D11=1.
Runs pretty smoothly.
Sometimes the tire skid sound doesn't stop, or you hear another driver eject from the window from the other side of the map, in two races my car had no engine sound.
Runs fine, but rarely the audio crackles or engine sound is missing (restarting the race fixes that).
download https://github.com/ThirteenAG/Ultimate-ASI-Loader/releases and rename content to xlive.dll
Game freezes when finishing a race sometimes. Maybe this can be fixed by setting the game to 4:3? https://steamcommunity.com/app/12360/discussions/0/3095635055535488914/
Runs perfectly if you start Race 07 and not GTR Evoultion
Played through the whole game (25 hours). Needs "PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 PROTON_NO_D3D11=1 %COMMAND%", or the game will crash very often on cutscenes. The game will still crash every hour or so on a cutscene, so save often. Performance is ~30 fps, but that might be the frame limiter.
Performance is usually >30fps on high quality, but can drop to almost unplayable at crowded starting fields. Using medium settings now, but that doesn't really help...
The game crashes every now and then on loading screens.