Runs well but stuttery
Stuttering and hitching no matter where I was or what I was doing there was even stuttering in the menus
Multiplayer worked perfectly
I tried running this game natively however the stuttering got very annoying. I switched to proton 7.0-5 and it completley fixed my stuttering issue.
Besides the weird crashing issue that I am experiencing it plays like you would expect. Me and my freinds can play together with no issues.
When compiling the shaders it will always crash steam and freeze the system temporarily. It only does this once per boot. When I restart steam and relaunch the game it works normally. This is a semi recent issue.
The crashing is definitely annoying but not game breaking. The game works flawlessly otherwise.
After every level in the campaign the game would crash upon loading into the next level
Switch to experimental
Game will freeze 5 minutes into the first race and will not recover
Proton 6.3-8 won't even start up the game. Proton 7.0-1 freezes after 5 minutes. Proton experimental freezes after 5 minutes. Proton 7.2-GE-2 freezes after 5 minutes.
Doesn't run on a 1080ti
Absolutley will not run at all. It's in a worse state than my last report if you have similar specs to mine don't even try it. At least it's more consistent in when it crashes on all versions it doesn't get passed the warning screen. It flickers then crashes. I tried these versions: Proton experemental, Proton 7.0-1, 6.3-8, GE proton 7-8, and GE 7.2-GE-2. They all didn't work.
Like windows (Almost)
Trying to cange resolution from 1440p to 1080p while in fullscreen would crash the game
Stuttery and would not exceed 65 fps
This game will only run on AMD hardware. Did a couple of laps of the Goliath race so about 30 minutes total time played. It is very stuttery especially when there are multiple cars on screen.
Use proton
No problems played with my friend on a horror map no problems
Native doesn't seem to work with some mods so switch to proton
Crashes and low framerates
When using a resolution smaller than your monitors in fullscreen there are black box artifacts along the bottom of the screen.
5 - 15fps along with a lot of input lag
This game is in a pretty rough state. Constant crashes, poor performance and bad audio. If you're hoping to play this game only on linux you will be sorely dissapointed. I did try the launcher and it worked.
I do belive that anyone would be able to enjoy this but be sure to turn off the data streaming features.
Will slowdown to a crawl when at low altitude/starting a new flight especally with online services on. Pre-caching the game did help and will get rid of a lot of it but there are hitches and stutters the entire time. Flying smaller planes seems to also help.
The game launches and runs but hitches and stutters when flying at low altitude. Be sure to cache as it will help the game to run better. Not using "-FastLaunch" will cause the game to crash on startup. My xbox elite series 2 worked right out of the box, however, I did not test the paddles.
Plays almost like native
VERY SLIGHT input lag but again very slight you'll get used to it and it doesn't matter
I am around 80-100 fps which seems a little low for this kind of game
Really good compatability. When you close out it crashes the game; hey it closed but is likley sending a crash report so that might need fixing.
Just like native no problems whatsoever
No problems that I can see. Excellent all around.
Added performance
Lots of explosives will crash the game regularly so try not to go crazy. Certain maps will crash the game.
I got an extra 20 fps than on windows from what I remember up to 80fps from 60fps. Just don't go crazy with explosives and some workshop maps will crash the game or they won't load.
No textures on flags such as capture points like arrow towers and gates, no flame textures on thrown torches.
Set graphics preset to high, use launch options, set proton version to 7.0-6. I played for about two hours with no issues in and out of battles no sudden crashes on the map screen. Some textures were missing but nothing too severe.