The game closes as soon as it starts, please note that my driver is not the standard.
After updating my GPU's driver the game runs fine, using the command PROTON_USE_WINED3D11=1 %command% may fix problems when creating new characters
Game runs perfectly, I played around 15 minutes and it froze twice for 2-3 seconds.
Fire particles are weird
Multiplayer works fine: Both players invite each other, while on each other's invite screen only one player accepts it while the other stays on the invite screen, after a few seconds you should get the invite prompt of a joining player
The game runs fine, full screen is buggy and every 2 minutes the game skips one or two frames.
Installing direct sound fixes the problem
Alt+tab makes the controller disconnect and it won't connect again until restart
Depending on your proton version the controller might bug but the game worked perfectly "out of the box" for me, no tweaks needed
• dotnet40 • mfc42 • mfc140 • vcrun6
My character was a floating head, but besides that the game ran just fine
You shoul also add mailmime.dll to the winecfg, if you have anymore problems run proton on GrandChase.exe and read the last few line before a crash, should lead you to install whatever is missing. Proton is on ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Proton 6.3/dist/bin/wine64
The game has minor sound issues but plays perfectly, also, if you're using a controller and it disconnects mid-game you might have to restart the game.
Game runs fine with a few minor sounds issues, I've noticed some FPS drops as well.