john the proton
Can drop to the mid 30s in later chapters such as Surface Tension. Applying a 30fps cap seems to introduce ridiculous input lag, so you either have constant stuttering or near unplayable input lag. Would not recommend.
TDP Limit of 9, Low Graphical Quality and Low Anti-Aliasing in-game. 720p resolution. 50hz refresh rate.
Not "hard to read", but some text was cut off at the side of the screen that I think is fixed by using a 16:9 res like 720p.
Very addicting game, do not recommend until you have at least 5 hours set aside.
Works basically perfect. Well, as perfect as a demanding game like this can work on a handheld.
You can click play in the launcher with a controller but everything else seemingly has to be done with mouse input.
Some text on the HUD is pretty small, don't think there's any way to make it more readable.
Inconsistent framepacing, fixed by setting a SteamOS framerate cap of 30. It increases input lag slightly but it's a tradeoff worth making imo. Do not disable the ingame framerate cap that's set by default, doing so will make the input lag unbearable.
Default (very low) settings, TXAA anti-aliasing (FXAA results in a ton of jaggies), disabled adaptive resolution (it's seemingly bugged and activates even if game performance is stable, resulting in a constantly blurry image). 40fps/40hz cap. I also recommend turning texture quality to medium if the blurry textures bother you.
A lot of text in the game is pretty small but never unreadable.
Fantastic action title that hearkens back to the Xbox 360 days, works flawlessly on Deck.
8 TDP Limit, Low settings with Medium textures and effects, 90% render scale, FSR Ultra Quality, 30fps cap in SteamOS
Perfectly playable, and really scalable so whether you want pretty graphics, smooth gameplay, or long battery life, you're good.
DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command%
Lowest possible settings, 720p, 75% render resolution (so internally 540p), average of 13-15 watt battery drain, so around 2.5-3 hours of battery life.
Perfectly playable and enjoyable after making my own control layout. Would heavily recommend on the Steam Deck.
Set both TDP and GPU clock to the absolute minimum and the game still hits 100+ fps.
Some text in the pause menu and such is a bit garbled. Still very much readable.
Some text in the pause menu and such is a bit garbled. Still very much readable.
Looking around was VERY jittery, turning on Mouse Filtering fixed this.
HL1's HUD scales to the screen res (there are mods to fix this, however) so the Deck's lower screen resolution of 1280 x 800 actually makes the HUD more readable than on a conventional monitor.
cap the deck's screen to 59hz as the game is hardcoded to run at 59fps because platinum pc ports are not ideal
60fps/hz limit, 7W TDP Limit, 600mhz GPU Clock
I quit the game through the Steam menu while in-game and it corrupted my save. Always exit the game properly.
Setting a TDP limit without also enabling a manual GPU clock of 600mhz or more will cause stuttering.
I also installed the latest (v2.3) release of MGSHDFix and the MGS2MC Better Audio Mod but they're not necessary for the game to work well.
Amazing game on Deck (and in general) and works pretty well OOTB. Just force Proton 7 so the game doesn't run super hot.
Default layout is weird because it was tailored for the Steam Controller. Would recommend switching to one of the other official layouts instead such as the Dualshock or Xbox ones.
Game pulls a lot of power when using Proton 8, switching to Proton 7 fixed this and the game pulls a more appropriate amount of power. I also locked the game to 40fps/40hz and lowered the graphics settings a bit.
Game "crashed" once (an error window popped up but I was able to keep playing the game).
Update that added the EA App in favor of Origin borked it. Gives a gray screen that's apparently the EA login screen.
Someone will probably come along with a fix so I'm not refunding since I got it for like 7 bucks. Still a shame.
Game is not very enjoyable without using Luxtorpeda which will use a native vulkan source port, which runs perfectly.
NETRICSA text is somewhat small and hard to read.
Severe artifacts when using OpenGL. Selecting DIrect3D seems to fix these artifacts.
Framerate hovered around 30-40 FPS. Perfect 60 when using Luxtorpeda.
LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libcurl.so.4 flatpak run org.rncbc.qsynth & %command% ; killall -9 qsynth
Changed L3 to Middle Mouse Click, removed "2" sub-command from the X button, some other minor edits.
60hz/60fps cap so there's no stuttering (the game physics only seem to update at 60fps).
Most text doesn't scale properly to the Deck's 1280x800 resolution, so it's a bit small. A resolution such as 640x400 (preferable so you still get chunky pixels) makes the text appear slightly distorted. I ended up just sticking with 800p since it's not that bad.
Music is totally missing by default. Follow this guide in it's entirety to not only restore audio, but also make the game run smoother: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2809933598
I recommend tracking down and using the soundfont "Chorium Rev A", it sounds great with the OST imo.
Fixed by following the Steam guide linked above.
Steam Cloud not supported, saves will likely disappear upon uninstall.
Occasional persistent Stuttering that disappears upon restart of the game. Might be fixed by switching to Vulkan. Game physics are capped to 30fps on the latest patch, fixed by replacing the exe with an older one via the instructions outlined in the Steam guide above.
The remake is easily the better experience (it also runs great on the Deck) but it's still cool to see where the series began.
LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libcurl.so.4 flatpak run org.rncbc.qsynth & %command% ; killall -9 qsynth
Disabled gyro, removed "2" sub-command from the X button (not sure why it was there in the first place?), some other minor edits.
Some text is really small by default, fixed by setting the HUD X and HUD Y scale to 2 in the settings.
Music is totally missing by default. Follow this guide in it's entirety to not only restore audio, but also make the game run smoother: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2809933598
I recommend tracking down and using the soundfont "Chorium Rev A", it sounds great with the OST imo.
Fixed by following the Steam guide linked above.
Steam Cloud not supported, saves will likely disappear upon uninstall.
Significant stuttering sometimes, no idea why, mostly seems to happen when I'm traversing quickly but that might just be confirmation bias. Using Proton 5.13-6 and switching to Vulkan in-game seems to help but I'll have to do some more testing.
The remake is easily the better experience overall (it also runs great on the Deck) but it's still cool to see where the series began.
Works good out-of-the-box but performance and battery life is iffy without tweaking. After tweaks to improve those it's basically perfect.
SteamDeck=0 %command% (re-enables the launcher so graphics settings can be changed, you can safely remove this command once you're done changing settings so you don't have to navigate the launcher everytime)
40fps cap, medium graphics preset, 9W TDP limit. The game defaults to the Ultra preset (if you go into the launcher at least) which dips down to below 30fps in some areas.
The game has uneven frametimes in certain areas that don't go away no matter how many settings are changed. It's a minor issue and you probably won't notice it unless you're looking at the performance overlay.
The game pulls a lot more power than necessary so if you want better battery life you'll have to set a TDP limit.
It just works. Mostly.
Would not recommend on Deck, too much compromise is required to make the game play well.
Set to high graphics by default which results in the game dropping to the 30s and even below fairly frequently. You can set the game to low to achieve 50fps most of the time but then the image quality is horrible, the game looks super flat due to a lack of shadows, and some objective-important objects are straight up invisible. You can turn the AA to TAA, set AA quality to high, and enable TAA upscaling to make the image quality at least presentable but other issues remain. Medium settings with high AA quality is a decent compromise but you'll have to drop to ~40fps to get a stable framerate which results in noticeably increased input lag and that's pretty annoying in a fast-paced game like this. There's really no solid option, no matter what you do the game is either gonna look sub-par or play sub-par.
How this got Verified is beyond me. I cannot imagine anyone playing more than 3 minutes of the game and deciding that "This game's default graphics configuration performs well on Steam Deck." is an accurate description in the slightest.
Enjoyable 60fps experience once I disabled V-Sync. Would highly recommend checking this game out.
Enabled Back Grip buttons and bound them to ABXY.
WIth V-Sync enabled (which is by default), the game hovered around 40-50fps with dips into the high 30s when things got hectic, with V-Sync disabled it was a pretty smooth 60fps with only minor drops during very intense combat. I haven't seen anyone else talk about this issue so maybe it's just thing with my Deck and/or game.
you have a chainsaw leg i mean cmon