läuft gut mit dem Arma Unix Launcher, aber nur mit Video:Low. Multiplayer habe ich noch nicht zum Laufen bekommen.
Arma 3 Unix Launcher; Optionen: skip intro, skip logos at startup, no logs
flüssiges Spielen nur mit Video:low settings
Die Maus wurde auf zweitem Bildschirm gedoppelt. Dadurch geht das Game manchmal in den Hintergrund, wenn der Mauszeiger auf dem zweiten Display in eine aktive Ecke kommt. Lösung: vor dem Start den zweiten Bildschirm in den Desktop Settings deaktivieren.
läuft perfekt
Grafikeinstellung auto=ultra hier, damit war das Spiel auf meinem System aber zu langsam. Musste die Grafik auf medium setzen.
Starten bricht ab nach dem Origin Login
Installation von Origin war nur möglich mit mehrmaligem Reboot und Fortsetzen der Installation. Selbst nach der vollständigen Installation und Registrierung von Origin wurde der Start ohne Fehlermeldung abgebrochen. [MX Linux 21] mit Steam aus dem Steam Repository.
always crashes after 20seconds
unplayable due to "dx12" crash after 20 seconds
multiplayer crashes after 20 seconds
Try BF4, BF1, BF5 instead. They all work flawlessly with Proton.
excellent experience on Proton
fps is usually ~120; but drops to ~20 and stays low after system went to suspend/hibernation mode and woke up/resumed
videos in main menu are not displayed when clicked
läuft out-of-the-box mit dem normalen Steam Client aus Debian testing/non-free; >100fps
läuft out-of-the-box mit dem Steam Client aus Debian testing/non-free; fps > 120
unplayable due to ~2fps in main menu
could not get in to run with any Proton version; neither on Debian, MX or Ubuntu. On Debian even Origin would not install properly and ask me to reinstall every time. On MX and Ubuntu, Origin install was okay, but the background video in the main menu was running at only 1-2 fps and therefore the UI would not even react to my mouse clicks.
audio was gone once after 30 minutes
needs -dx11 as start options and "DX12 off" as ingame setting
The EA Launcher does refuse to start every other time. To fix it, copy the folder ~/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.steam/root/steamapps/compatdata/1238810/ , e.g. save it as "1238810 working copy" AFTER successfully starting and closing BFV. Then later, when the EA Launcher fails to start, restore the 1238810 folder above from the working backup. This path is only valid for the Flatpak installation of Steam. If you installed Steam from your native repositories or steam.com look for the correct path on your system first.
needs -dx11 (DX12 is broken for many GPUs) and the occasional repair of the EA Launcher folder. Enjoy :-)
runs at 55fps on medium settings
runs at ~35 fps with Proton standard + epic settings; runs at ~55fps with Proton Experimental + medium settings
Both native and Windows/Proton Versions are borked
Das Spiel friert ein, sobald man schießt oder eine Bombe platziert.
Unspielbar, da es jedes Mal einfriert
works okay after doing the "disable the main menu" trick from the link attached. Some wrong tiles in the battle screen make it somewhat ugly
hat to disable the main menu for the first start, as described in https://steamcommunity.com/app/1084160/discussions/0/3810661765912984419/?tscn=1692736033
some wrong tiles when scrolling in the tactical battle screen
could not start it with any Proton Version
tried Proton Standard, Experimental, GE; nothing worked
runs perfectly out-of-the-box, even on "epic" graphics settings
works perfectly out-of-the-box
Works out of the box with Proton Experimental. But seriously slow.
missing cutscenes
does not start; either loops infinitely ("loading ...") or crashes.
tried Standard Proton, Experimental and current Proton GE. Nothing works.
runs out of the box
runs on medium settings only
had to set dx11 instead of dx12 in ingame settings
Runs well despite FPS drops and minor problems with mic.
Audio input stopped working at some point. Clearing the cache (from settings menu) fixed it.
serious FPS drop on bigger maps (down to ~20 FPS on "low detail")
Since 2024-01 Squad is using Epic Online Services instead of Steam Online Services. This leads to a broken server browser when joining a game. All server pings are 9999. Pressing "refresh" in the server list gives you a new random selection of servers to choose from, but never shows all available servers. This problem is also present on Windows and not related to Linux.
Very good gaming experience on Debian Testing (DEMO version !).
switching to overview mode in KDE an switching between windows took very long and sometimes did not work at all
mouse lagging
36 fps in fullscreen mode