The game's native performance is similar to Windows
After playing for a little bit on Windows I have determined that the game runs pretty much the same on the native Linux version for me.
I originally thought my performance on Linux was inferior but now I understand it is the game's limitations. The game does not fully utilize the GPU and as such I get below 60 FPS in densely populated areas at max settings (3440x1440). Lowering level of detail had the highest performance gain so I run it at Medium to acheive around 60 FPS when zoomed in to those densely populated areas. Zoomed out my gameplay experience has always been smooth even maxed out.
I am getting around 60 FPS on 3440x1440 with 500 population by starting on the High preset and turning down/off the settings recommended by Paradox: https://pdxint.at/optimization
This will no doubt get worse as I increase population, but that is not a fault of Linux and hopefully we will see optimization improve over time.
Game runs poorly with PhysX enabled on my AMD card which is to be expected. Turning off PhysX and keeping everything else turned up plays excellently at 3440x1440.
Runs excellent after switching to GE version of Proton. I do have these other configurations enabled but I'm not sure if they are required.
gamemoderun %command%
Game crashes at launch without using GE Proton
I used the GE version of Proton but I suspect this will run on regular versions as well. Game runs perfectly despite the massive overhaul updates the game has recently went through.
Manually copied steamapps/common/SMITE/Binaries/EasyAntiCheat/easyanticheat_x64.so
to .../Binaries/Win64/EasyAntiCheat/
and ...Binaries/EasyAntiCheat/easyanticheat_x86.so
to .../Binaries/Win32/EasyAntiCheat/
If EAC stops working I'll post again
Multiplayer works flawlessly
Game has stuttering issues on latest version of GEProton. I reverted back to 8-3 and the game runs perfect.