You could hop on to a duel and didn't notice a thing. Switch to GE's Proton to see the Sky Striker solo mode videos otherwise it will not play them.

Any Proton >=7 version probably could run this

Runs like a charm.

Works as if it was supported natively.
No issues.
Works just fine, really.

Work perfectly
gamemoderun PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%

No issues, runs fine

Tutorial and menus work as they do on Windows in Proton 8.
The "anti-aliasing" used by the game is incredibly system intensive, at least for integrated graphics. Disabling them in the graphics settings (using the "Custom" graphics option) increased my FPS from 40 to 60.
Sometimes, the game warns about a missing font on boot but works properly otherwise.

45 FPS Directly on Steam Deck
A little hard to read, but no a deal breaker

Deu pra jogar bem.

Installed, updated and played for hours. No issue!

Download and Play
The game runs perfectly well.
It works perfectly with Proton Experimental (probably already enabled), just click and play.

gamemoderun %command%
Game runs without any problems. Haven't tried with vanilla Proton, but I imagine it'd be fine. If you have an ultrawide monitor, and you want the game to fill the screen, press Alt+Enter while at the main menu to exit fullscreen, and then press it again to go back. The game should automatically fill the space it previously didn't. This isn't a Linux issue, either, it's a Konami issue.

Game crashes in GNOME Wayland
Sometimes the screen flickers black.
In a GNOME Wayland session, if fullscreen is enabled, entering night light mode, alt-tabbing, opening GNOME's panel or using the system keys to change brightness or volume can cause the game to crash the entire system.
On a GNOME Wayland session, doing the "zoom out" motion on the laptop's pad causes the game to crash and close itself immediately.
The game stutters and lags on the Wayland session.
In a GNOME Wayland session the game frequently crashes. It works fine on GNOME running Xorg though.
Game can make the entire system unresponsive and require a hard reboot.
Just works.

Tried basic tweaks. Enabled Proton Experimental, and 8.0-4, and 7.0-6, but the game refused to launch.
prime-run %command%
I did not want to try anything more advanced than some basic tweaks to see if I could get this game to run. Installed Steam on Manjaro. It was listed as "Native" for the steam deck, so I am wondering how to install or launch that version.

It either doesn't launch at all or starts but shows all black
I've tried multiple versions of Proton and a couple different launch options but it's not working. It either doesn't launch or launches a window that doesn't show anything.

gamemoderun ENABLE_VKBASALT=1 %command%
NTFS Drive
I have a dual boot with my games stored on a NTFS drive, so I followed this in order to get Steam to read the files https://www.protondb.com/help/troubleshooting-faq#games-stored-on-my-windows-partition-ntfs-wont-start
Enable GameMode
Helps optimize game
apt install meson libsystemd-dev pkg-config ninja-build git libdbus-1-dev libinih-dev dbus-user-session -y
Enable vkBasalt
Enables Vulkan post processing layer to help with stuttering
sudo apt install vkbasalt
Minor stuttering during Ranked
Some stuttering
My main issue was that Steam couldn't access the game due to write permission issues. I needed to change /etc/fstab in order to change the default owner to my current user instead of root.

Game has stuttering issues on latest version of GEProton. I reverted back to 8-3 and the game runs perfect.
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 gamemoderun %command%
The game stutters when going for an online game. Requires doing a solo game first or watching an online match.

Not a single problem

Need to unplug my Keyboard since Update v1.6.0
Plugged in Keyboard or Gamepads freezes the Game instantly since v1.6.0
Random crashes during Duels
Game works flawlessly OOTB.
Multiplayer works flawlessly
Lowered TDP to 6w
Some text can be a little small to read
Online Duels works just fine
Feels a little stuttery during duels, but nothing major.
Perfect if you want the Yu-Gi-Oh! experience without any hassle.
gamemoderun mangohud ENABLE_VKBASALT=1 %command%
Runs perfectly out of the box
The default Steam recommended Proton sometimes doesn't work. If that happens, just switch around, should work.
Gave up on trying to reach the main menu after 5 minutes of slideshow
Without tinkering, you will get "Failed to initialize graphics." error. Either use Proton 7.0-5 or put PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 gamemoderun %command%
in the launch options