The game takes a good 10 seconds to actually launch and show something, but otherwise runs perfect at even 4K resolution here on a GTX 960.
The game is touchy to lost packets (6 pings missed and you DC)
I was able to play several levels in solo play, but I never tried online play.
It's pretty much identical to the Tiberium Wars, in terms of performance and stability, but with new stuff.
It runs surprisingly well on mediocre hardware, given it's an older game. Crank the settings and enjoy this classic!
Multipler -> Online seems to freeze the game (UI and music still plays, but unable to abort/cancel), which requires force killing the application. Others report this may be due to the game servers being down.
A classic well worth the money and plays well enough to easily make up for the odd minor issue.
Really good audio other than the occasional crackling
At high resolution (4k) the mouse was very lagged, but perfect at 1080p/1440p
Fire effects from exploding barrels would lag a noticeable amount
It runs great! Been playing just fine for most of the day, no problem.
Out of nowhere in the second level or so the game slowed down a bit, like slow motion. I turned off the steam overlay and things have been great ever since.
I was able to play with the bots, but my cpu made it very slow motion like. I did try to go online, but it didn't seem like the game could find anyone playing in the few minutes I let it search. Can't tell if that is due to a bug, or just everyone playing Doom Eternal.
Launch options: PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command% +com_skipIntroVideo 1
Mouse was very lagged, like being impaired.
Even at absolute lowest settings and resolutions the game was sluggish compared to previous DOOM.
Most of the time I can't get the game to launch, just a black screen. Also goes black if you change a setting for video in game like buffering.
My guess is that my GPU is just underpowered. The last DOOM plays like butter on this system, but this CPU and GPU just can't handle Eternal.
With low resolution I got great frame rates, but can be problematic. Wait until things are better, imho
GlorriousEggroll proton, version 5.11-GE-2-MF GloriousEggroll
GlorriousEggroll proton, version 5.11-GE-2-MF Start options: RADV_PERFTEST=llvm %command% +in_terminal 1 +com_skipIntroVideo 1 +com_skipSignInManager 1
Alt+Tab and achievements can cause game to lock up
VERY laggy input unless low resolution
Had to use very low resolution to compensate for the mouse lag
Sometimes game would start black screen, other times it was fine.
Often problematic to try changing resolutions or video settings, but it was hit or miss. Custom proton much better here than the stock 5.0.9
Occassional hiccup perhaps, but otherwise it runs great and was able to play for hours!
The shadows seemed to flicker a bit in some spots, but was minor. I did have an alt-tab incident once where something happened and the screen was frozen on a frame while the game continued, until I went back to the desktop and returned again. Was fine aterwords.
Another background window popped up once and caused some sluggish screen until I reloaded.
I originally couldn't get the game to launch with 390 NV drivers, but after updating my 18.04 Ubuntu to 440, it loaded fine!
The first level the mouse seemed like it was loosing input. Went away after I dropped the settings to low on the second map.
Two or three times the game suddenly slowed to a crawl but then recovered a few moments later.
Had to apt-get install winetricks
(which isn't small...) first, then:
- protontricks 244160 -q --force dotnet40 win7
Until you run protontricks command above (which works with the pronton installed via steam, btw), the menu will appear on your top-left screen as a blank box, but nothing appears until you mouse over the items.
Before launching the game, you have to edit: ~/.steam/steamapps/common/Homeworld/HomeworldRM/Bin/Profiles/Profile1/PLAYERCFG.LUA
And change the resolution to something reasonable. At least if you are at 4k like me, and the game starts at 1368x768 or something. If you don't, the game will start up zoomed into what appears to be the lower left of the screen, making it impossible to select anything.
The odd part of the game like the start screen seemed to have the buffer drift off to sleep at the end of the clip. Probably just a proton side effect. Otherwise was great audio during game.
The game plays just fine if you spend the time to install and configure all the work around. Worth the time, IMHO.
The game is abandoned
The game cannot be played at all without the login, but the login server is apparently defunct. Also, suggestions from the community to start the game with an alternate IP also appear to be old and non-working now.
For all intents and purposes, this game is 100% dead without some community server to play on.