WINEDLLOVERRIDES="xaudio2_7=n,b" %command%
Music is missing by default, to get it to work you have to edit launcher options
Before I knew there was a fix to the absent audio, I would enjoy this game without music. Though, there is a fix for that.
Has issues but is still playable
periods of lag followed by quick catch ups
There are ways to fix the graphical issues, but I couldn't be bothered to mess with it yet. Some maps don't have any missing textures, and the ones that do are still playable. Definitely has some performance issues that I didn't experience when I still had windows on this laptop, but it performs better than I had expected. Just some lagging while loading in part of the world.
Mostly, works as expected
Sometimes it can take a while to start up, rather than the typical instant startup you'd typically expect from a game. Otherwise, works absolutely fine.
Runs perfectly
Freezes and unresponsive while launching
Aside from some launching issues, it runs perfectly. It can be iffy while launching, but I just wait out the 30 seconds it is being weird, and then it runs perfectly.
Works fine
When launching, I sometimes get a popup saying that the game is unresponsive, but it still launches. The game is slow when loading the map initially, but, given the contents of the game, that seems to be normal.
Runs out of the box
There are some audio issues, but I couldn't tell you if the game just has weird audio or if its a linux issue. I'm leaning towards linux for when i enter or exit menus and the audio gets weird, but for the strange audio quality, that could just be the game
Works absolutely perfectly
The only issue I have experienced involved the recent Pop!OS Nvidia driver update issues. I had to manually update to Nvidia 510 and autoremove the 470 packages. Before this, it always worked perfectly and has worked perfectly since.
It will not run on any of the newer versions of proton, on my setup at least. I only got it to work on proton 5.0-10. Though, it did take a while for it to start up. I did test the newer versions, but they never launched. When I did get it to work on proton 5.0-10, it launched in fullscreen but at the wrong resolution. It wasn't a problem, I just went into the in-game settings and changed it, but it could be problematic for you.
It doesn't run amazingly, but it doesn't get in the way of gameplay too much.
It can be very slow, especally on start up. Get's better in game, but is still pretty laggy at times.
It's mostly on the staring menu, and during some more animated scenes, but once in game it gets a lot better. I still enjoy playing it though.