Used Proton 5.0 since native version wouldn't start. Ran stable and performed well with epic graphics.
Had to add WINEDLLOVERRIDES="xaudio2_7=n,b" %command% to launch options to make sound work
Had to add WINEDLLOVERRIDES="xaudio2_7=n,b" %command% to launch options
The game ran smoothly and bugfree during the first testplay. Will update the report after some longer playtime.
rename the tutorial_intro files in /GWENT The Witcher Card Game/Gwent_Data/StreamingAssets/videos/gwent. After that, there is no tutorial video, but the game works fine.
Couldn't move, dismantle or dump some items...
There is a free DLC in steam which does not work. Game runs only via proton, not native due to borked launcher.
Spellforce was playable without adjustments. Some minor framedrops, but I haven't encountered any bugs so far.
The game didn't perform as well as on Windows and had some framedrops, but it ran stable and quite well.
Out-of-the-box unplayable on (Arch) Linux due to the inventory and dialogue problem.
Slow framerate, playable, but noticeable framedrops
I experienced reliable freezes in the inventory and in dialogues.
fps drops were a bit annoying at beginning, but they were so small that you'd stop notice them while leveling. PvPers wouldn't like this.
the installer was black most of the times, which was really awkward, but ingame everything was fine.
Some fps drops