Game crash at launch
When game crash, I receive this message: "No compatibility graphic device found. Minimun DirectX11 Graphic Device Required."
Game crash at launch.
Crash Message: "No compatible graphics device found, minimum DirectX11 Graphics is required.
I have tried with Proton 6.3-7, Proton 5.11, Proton 5.21 but nothing works. The game doesn't open.
In multiplayer I have the problem of synchronization lost. When It happen, the game throws out of the match and finish the match.
Sometimes I have got minimum input lag
After 30-60 mins of gameplay, the game crashes and throws to desktop without any message.
Works perfect out of the box. I only used in launch paramters: gamemoderun %command% but it is not needed.
The first time, the game launched in window mode, but after the graphics configuration and reset the game, it works perfect in fullscreen.
Game doesn't download, and if you have got Windows files, they doesn't run too.
I downloaded Windows version of the game, but it doesn't work. If you try to download the game from Linux, the game doesn't download.
I need to put this command in my autoexec.cfg to start in FullScreen: mat_setvideomode 1920 1080 0 And in launch options I need to write: +exec autoexec.cfg
I execute the game as native, not with proton. If I am playing CS:GO and I starts the Steam chat login in or connecting in (before it my friends watched my as disconnected), after that, game close and I go back to Ubuntu_20.04 desktop. It happens sometimes.
The game has got bad performance with a good hardware. It has got a lot of crashes, glitches, artifacts and fps drops on Linux.
At first time, run the game without lauch parameters. When the game run, you can close the game and activate: gamemoderun PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 %command%
Some textures are differents from the native game, and there are black textures and artifacts.
I have got some fps drops in some moments of the game.
Game crash every 20 mins or less.
I had got problems to start the game. The solution is to use the Nvidia Driver 455.38 and use the Proton version 5.13.4. At the first time, don't use Steam launch parameters in the game, press play and be patient. The GoG laucher opens, next press play. After first run, you can use Steam lauch parameters.
I needed to use this lauch options in the game: "gamemoderun %command% -uplay_steam_mode" The gamemoderun I think that only exists in Ubuntu
Game doesn't open at fullscreen, you need to clic on the screen of the game to open it in fullscreen.
Sometimes, the frame rate drops unexpectedly.
Sometimes the game crashes, I think that it is maybe a problem with the map of the game or the menus, because when I open it and close, sometimes game start with frame drops and next crash.
gamemoderun %command%
Cuando activo Nvidia REFLEX el juego me va a 8-10 fps, pero si lo desactivo va a 65 fps más o menos.
Shift key is not working and multiplayer is impossible to play because the bug of Easy anti-cheat.
Need to use PROTON_NO_ESYNC to solve a little shuttering.
The game doesn't detect the action to "Sprint or run fast". Shift is not detected, If I change the key, it doesn't work. The only fix now is to use a game pad for example XboX 360 Pad to solve it.
In keyboard Shift Key to sprint is not detected.
The game crashed only 1 time in a few hours, but generally works well.
Online play it's not working for Easy Anti-cheat which is not detected correctly or similar.
You haven't got in game sound. Shift key is not working. Online is not working. Textures may dissappear.
I used it to reduce shuttering.
I had to changed the sprint skill (shift key) to another keyboard key (ej: ctrl) because shift is not working.
Halo Reach hasn't got any sound, you can't ear nothing. Same with Halo 3.
Textures dissappeared, only one time in 4 hours. After reboot, it works well. I don't know why, maybe the Nvidia 440.64 doesn't work well and Nvidia 440.100 works, but it's not secure.
Multiplayer not working.
El juego se abre a FullScreen pero se queda la pantalla en negro y no pasa de ahí.
El d3dcompiler_47.dll ya existe en los directorios del juego así que deduzco que esta no es la solución, al menos en mi caso.
Proton 5.11-GE-3-MF GloriousEggroll
You must place the DLL d3dcompiler_47.dll (download here: https://lutris.net/files/tools/dll/d3dcompiler_47.dll) in this location: ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/MotoGP™19/motogp19/Binaries/Win64
Shutter solved put, PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 in lauch options. Other problem, pad is not detected,but if you play with keyboard it is 100% playable
Game doesn't detect correctly the XboX 360 Pad.
A little shutter appears, but really playable. In launch options write: PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 And it works much better.
This game require EA Origin, but it works perfect with Proton, it launch in wine automatically.
Game pad doesn't work.
But fullscreen error could affect to the experience of the player.
When I start the game, I can watch my Ubuntu toolbar at the left of the screen, and I can watch the top toolbar too.
I think that the game didn't recover my Windows save.
If you set the antialiasing FXAA, all works perfect, but if you use MSAA, sometimes the game shows graphic glitches.
When you are playing the game, if you open Steam (shift + tab), you lost the mouse in game.
Steam Cloud is not working on Linux if your last save was in Windows.
I have a bit of shuttering, but almost priceless.
The first time I have launched the game, it crashed. I have added in launch parameters this "gamemoderun %command%" and set the Compatibility of the game to the Proton version 6.3-5. After that, the game runs well.
If I restore my Windows save, I have got a lights problem, the game looks blurred.
If not, game looks well. Probably if I get an object which has got texture effects or particles, the lights will crash again, but I don't know.
I can load my Windows save reemplacing files, but the lights of the game crash.