Won't Launch. Think the problem comes from audio drivers.
Maybe use Jack or Alsa.
For now one crash to report while I was in a tank-minigame
I bought this game years ago, and get stuck on a black screen. to solve this : a) go to ; click on "code">download zip b) unzip file c) open a console and go to the folder containing the files : cd /home[...]/mf-install-master/ d) then run : WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/934780/pfx PROTON=$HOME/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Proton\ 5.0 ./ -proton #(if you are using proton 5.0 )
that should do the trick
Runs flawless after some tricks : -> Used Proton 5.9-GE-8-ST ... Uplay installs, updates then an error occurs -> Change for Proton 5-11-GE-1-MF ... Uplay launches, sign in then stop and reboot -> Launch another time with Proton 5-11-GE-1-MF, everything seems to work except you're stuck on a black screen -> Go back to Proton 5.9-GE-8-ST and everything works fine
I don't even see why this game is a "platinum" one : I had to use protontricks, proton 5.11-GE-3-MF, and options such as noesync ; nofsync
The firsts cutscene appear to work more or less but some parts of the speech are missing, others unsynchronized
The game launch with a "native" 320p ... Had to use protontricks to emulate a virtual desktop... Even with that, the game is sort of windowed... cause the virtual desktop is a window. And making changes in the display settings make the game back to it's native 320p
Unplayable... 9FPS average even in low graphics mode
Everytime I change a setting, the game may crash
I do not recommend to buy/install it unless you're a master in linux-proton gaming and you've already explored many issues and patches.
-> I started with Proton 5.9-GE-8-ST ... Uplay installs, updates then an error occurs -> Changed for Proton 5-11-GE-1-MF ... Uplay launches, sign in then I stopped and reboot -> Launched another time with Proton 5-11-GE-1-MF, everything seems to work except you're stuck on a black screen -> Got back to Proton 5.9-GE-8-ST and everything works fine
I really enjoy playing. Even if the game doesn't run with much FPS
The game runs slow, but it doesn't impact gameplay that much
Didn't work before doing Vulkan and gl don't work.
vulkan mode crashes, gl mode is broken, entering the graphic menu may result in a freeze.
I think the slowliness of the game is due to the game itself, not to the compatibility tool. At least, it's working.
runs really slowly even in low graphics and poor resolution