Experienced a single CTD during my campaign on a newer proton-version ( <6.3.*)
The whitelisted version of proton crashed on multiple occasions under the tutorial
Flawless experience
Had some performance issues on a previous heavily tinkered setup, but plays smoothly 120fps out of the box
Great game with functional multiplayer
Had a single CTD after a save. The save worked and it never happened after that, so might as well be a fluke
Hosted a campaign with two friends without a hitch.
protontricks 1434950 d3dcompiler_47 d3dx11_43
Unreliable window settings, but got it to work at borderless
Mouse did not register initially.
Solved it by inserting CORE_INIT_RI=false
to the configuration file located at ~.steam/steam/steamapps/common/HighFleet/Config.ini
When using mangohud
and/or gamemoderun
, the game would crash when initializing a campaing. Solved by having no launch arguments in steam
As of this writing the game has a resolution cap on 1080p
Playable out of the box with a small performance penalty compared to native
May just as well be subjective, but i suspect it's a bit slower on my setup compared to a windows build. Can run 120fps on low / 90 fps on medium with almost no reprojections.
On my pancake display, an error message is displayed that the game has crashed. However, this does not show in the HMD at all and i can play as expected until i press the "ok"-button on the error window.
Works great, except for stuttering at the moment
Played in pancake mode, but intend to try in VR later on
When playing multiplayer, a large amount of stuttering happened. Unsure if this is due to proton or a game problem. Singleplayer worked flawlessly
Crash to desktop after the loading screen
Launches to the intro screen, but crashes right after that
Used proton experimental as a habit, but works at a stable version as well
Had some minor latency/tearing issues before using the launch parameters as shown. Felt much more responsive after adding those.
Works great, with a few small hiccups with the controllers.
- Knuckles were improperly mapped as vive-wands
- The controller would "vibrate" in the air when grabbing the stick
Plug and play
The native version has a major performance hit due to issues with middleware. Playing it under proton is recommended