Battleye does not have linux enable and the game forces you to use it no matter what.
It's Borked until the developers enable linux on battleye the game is unplayable.
Audio stutters sometimes while the tracks are loading.
Switching to Proton 7.0-5 and using the Low Memory Mode option at launch brought this game on par with how ARK runs, and fixed literally all of the issues I mentioned in my previous reports. Even performance matched my hardware this time.
You can play with really low fps and no audio in singleplayer, but that is not very ejoyable.
It's gone.
Signifcantly lower framerates than Windows, given hardware. However, not interolable.
When trying to join an online server, the game started itself again, while the original still ran. Also wrote a bunch of random garbage data to disk upon trying to exit.
Some stuttering when you first load into the game. Nothing too severe.
This game never runs well, but it is excessively slow with proton.
A more powerful gpu might run this better. I'll have to wait for RDNA3 to see for myself, though.
12 FPS on lowest settings
Could not join multiplayer servers
Runs well enough
Unable to launch the game in "normal" mode and have to use the low memory option, so textures may unload and look crappy every now and then.
BattleEye not supported, so official servers are a no-go. No problems so far in unofficial server.
Other than not being able to use more than 4Gb of RAM out of 32Gb is a bit of a shame, but so far I haven't found a way to play other than launching with low memory option. Running normal mode the game just sits on the main menu with the menu animations at 1fps and can't interact with anything, trying to find a way to disable menu animations to see if that would help...
Its close but there is some clear input lag and you really have to sacrifice on graphics compared to windows.
The main screen graphic is missing and in game there are a few textures that seem to display as a color rather than a texture.
crash the game but works after rerunning the game and does remember settings.
Installs and runs. Thanks to the post where someone said you need to rerun the game after going full screen. If I change graphics settings it crashes immediately. I can rerun it and it remembers the setting and works. Its very slow compared with windows. Really hoping this works good on the steam deck. We do have a private server and I would like to have access to this game. I can run this game in 4k in windows no problem and keep 40 - 50 FPS with only occasional dips. In Manjaro I struggles at 1080P.
I didn't play long as it was really laggy. It crashes on graphic changes and does work upon rerunning the game. It does remember settings.
Once I finally got the graphics setup it wouldn't connect any longer. So no online play.
I haven't fully tested this yet but since and if I do find anything out I will report
I really appreciate the Steam has spearheaded the Linux Gaming revolution. Please keep it up!
Yeah, for me the performance was OK. Same as on windows, but it is atlas... and hasn't ran good on my pc. ever.
It's atlas, what did you expect?
The game is a big bug.
Battle eye protected servers won't work.
Works fine (as fine as Windows)
Required restart after going to fullscreen (otherwise the FPS was awful)
Its very playable on latest version of proton. No notable problems so far.

If you don't mind playing no BattlEye servers or single player/non-dedicated then it will be fully playable.
Fullscreen can sometimes lock the game to really low frame-rates (20-ish). Restarting after applying fixes this.
Game works ok, NO Battleye (unofficial servers only for you). Main menu missing Art, micro-stutters in the Sea.
keep it in front, in focus when first loading. Steam only, did not use wine.

Atlas isn't without it's usual bugs, however it's mostly the same experience in windows in terms of performance
5.1-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Crackling/Popping on the odd occasion
Before jumping ship to linux, i played this game pretty much everyday for 10+hrs a day. The performance issues are better now but pretty much the same here as you get in windows, its just the poor programming by the devs. Tip: Fine tune your video settings to balance fps and pretty pixels.
Works well
Some micro lags, for single player nothing too serious but might cause issues in pvp
Ruckelt ab und zu
Crash in loading screen
Performance bad, 1 - 68 FPS. Settings don't seem to matter much. Need to play on a non-official server without BattleEye to play online.
Performance is kinda bad, but I don't know if that is Proton or ATLAS. ...probably just atlas...
Game crashes when reading a treasure map. Not sure if that is a problem with Proton or Atlas. I guess I will just try to have my mates read the maps. It also crashed when trying to connect to a BattleEye server.
cant play multiplayer with battle eye enabled and have to force close through "task manager"
mouse movement not smooth, would jump all over the place when aiming camera - single player with battle eye
bad service version

No longer working flawlessly. Update to proton must have bugged it. Tried proton versions 4.11-6, 4.2-9, 3.16-9, and 3.7-8. Additionally, removed myself from Steam Beta and tried wined3d.

The game ran better before the latest big update. Now i am getting constant crashes. Hopefully this is resolved soon.

Battle eye does not work. Low memory mode does not work do to needing Battle eye. play without battleeye works but game freezes/crashes often. Unplayable state.

I could not believe it, but for me it works MUCH better than on Windows because there is no way to run Atlas in AMD Crossfire-Mode on Windows. With Proton it runs Out of the Box. It takes full use of 2x RX570. Because of this i got a much better Performance than on Win10 + better Graphics. I tried everything to get this work on Windows, but had no success.

Game runs out-of-the-box (on servers without Battleye) FPS for me runs anywhere from 40 to 90 depending on how many structures are in the area. *Can only play on unofficial servers without Battleye

No issues found

Game works perfect if you run without BattleEye, which is borked. However, since many servers do not require BattleEye, the game itself I consider Platinum since it's stable and has no issues.

ATLAS run on linux as well as on Windows BUT on linux battleeye isn't gonen work (no join offical mmo Atlas Servers possible). Wtb cause I got a high level Character on an offical PVE Server before I updated my Windows PC to Linux.

Menu and load screen background do not show. Ocean has black artifacts during rough seas, not game breaking, but visible. Otherwise frame rate is equal to Windows 10.

Menu screen background is black (probably because Proton can't play the WMV videos used as background) similar to the low-memory mode. Otherwise works flawless and has good performance after initial shader compilation.

Needed to run it in low-memory mode and with low settings, otherwise UE4 fails to create textures sometimes, resulting in a crash. Otherwise as playable as on Windows (including crashes). Successful teleportation to multiple locations and even between servers without any issue.

works out of the box, but performance isnt that great. Im sure performance will improve.

I share a "steam library" NTFS partition between both my Linux and Windows OS installs. I installed the game to the partition using Windows. Booted into Linux, ran the game and it worked without an issue.

PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command% will make the game run, but it runs at 5fps...

"Assertion failed: SeperateFileAtEnd [File:H:\YARKUpdate\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\Serialization\BulkData.cpp] [Line: 1149]
VERSION: 4.3 UnknownModuleRaiseException() (0x00000000007b44af3d) + 0 bytes [unknownfile: 0] UnknownModuleUnknownFunction (0x0000000000060c6d0) + 0 bytes [unknownfile: 0]"
I tried disabling ESync, disabling D3d11, and using wine D3d11, and also enabling PROTON_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE but none had any success.

Game starts and will load the first menu screen but will crash within a minute with the following error : Assertion failed: SeparateFileAtEnd [File:H:\YARKUpdate\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private|Serialization\BulkData.cpp] [Line: 1449]

The game will not run, it uses BattlEye Anti-Cheat. As of right now there are no workarounds to this that I can find.

Uses BattlEye, so until a fix for that comes out or a native Linux version, I'm not sure if it'll work.