Lowered graphics settings to medium, lowered frame rate to 50fps. Can mostly maintain 60fps, but with small dips. Maintains 50fps very well during fights. These settings net me approx 3 hours of battery life
Didn't try online as the servers were shut down. Enjoyable offline experience.

Does not boot at all, just crashes instantly or hangs indefinitely.
Black bars at the top and bottom of the screen.
The game only works with GE-Proton. Proton from Valve won't work, even with the latest experimental version, due to EAC.
Works on GE-Proton7-29. 7-30, 7-31 won't launch the game. Everything work fine. Online play doesn't matter, since the server is closed.
The game works without any issue on GE-Proton7-29. Online play is not matter now as the game server is shutdown. I didn't test LAN mode yet.
Currently, GE-Proton7-29 is the latest version that works with this game. 7-30 and 7-31 won't launch. https://github.com/GloriousEggroll/proton-ge-custom/releases

I just connected to the online for first time and my account was banned.

Game runs excellent with the use of Glorious Eggroll, Multiplayer does not matter since the developers will stop supporting it.
If you want to play this game use the latest version Glorious Eggroll. (https://github.com/GloriousEggroll/proton-ge-custom/releases)
Game is now working great with this GE Proton 7.3-GE-1 but you will not have online access.
Since you can only play in solo mode, the anticheat can be disabled with some tinkering, making the game run faster than on Windows.
Only LAN and solo modes are left, because the game isn't supported by the devs anymore.
The GloriousEggroll version of proton (the one that i'm using) guarantees the compatibility of the game on Linux.
It is so, so very close to fully working, singleplayer is good, no issues, but i got banned from online when trying to play because of EAC
Easy anti-cheat could not be initialized

Falha no Easy Anti-Cheat
Falha no Easy Anti-Cheat

Easy Anti-Cheat
Easy Anti-Cheat Error. It doesn't allow the game to launch at all and it needs it to run. There is no known way to work around this.
Easy Anti Cheat makes the game unplayable

I Have now decided to not buy any game with Easy Anti Cheat malware. it broke everything. and now the game doesn't even start.

Borked in Ubuntu 18.04, but ran in Manjaro on low-medium settings. Hubs loaded slow, but game was solid and smooth for everything else. I used Proton 3.16-7 Beta on both installs... Same machine as this. When the game launches Steam Anti-Cheat fails to load, then it crashes.

Patch 1.02 requires EAC on at all times (even if you want to play offline) making this game unplayable on Steam Play, the game will simply not boot.

the game runs but stutters on fights or fast movements

Works right out of the box!

The game runs, however it's a bit unstable (It may crash on alt-tab or if you use a screenshot tool).
Online is not possible due to EAC.