Small text but not unreadable.
Skybox likes to spaz out at times.
There are major FPS drops in populated areas and load times when joining a new zone.
Setting the game to "Classic Mode" in advanced video options has noticeably increased performance.
I did not notice any difference in peformance switching between native and any of the proton versions.
Unfortunate coming back to this game on the Steam Deck. Used to be able to enjoy this game with a relatively smooth experience and quick enough load times, but now it's a mess.
The quick-access menu on the left trackpad is still cool.

Small text but not unreadable.
Skybox likes to spaz out at times.
There are major FPS drops in populated areas and load times when joining a new zone.
I did not notice any difference in peformance switching between native and any of the proton versions.
Unfortunate coming back to this game on the Steam Deck. Used to be able to enjoy this game with a relatively smooth experience and quick enough load times, but now it's a mess.
The quick-access menu on the left trackpad is still cool.

Fun Childhood Experience!
Some lag, but I'm using a lower end PC with less RAM
Wizard101 works perfectly fine on Linux using minimal modifications to Proton, I had some issues with lag but my hardware is on the lower end with less RAM compared to the original machine I would play this game on. Other than that, have fun until the paywalls hit hard!

As log as you're playing it the way Lutris sets it up, using a Steam Shortcut (no proton compatibility) you'll be just fine.
"WINEPREFIX=/home/usr/.wine" "wine" "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\KingsIsle Entertainment\Wizard101\Play Wizard101.lnk"
Installed Via Lutris + Wine
Some FPS drops in some areas, but I'm sure that's just because the game is unoptimized in general.
Sometimes upon starting, (using lutris instead of steam) the FPS will drop to around 19-20 FPS until I restarted the game using a Steam Shortcut for the game.
Don't Use Proton, it will not launch. Wine instead.

PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
Models take a very long time to load. My game installation is about 15Gb, and even in areas where I have downloaded the majority of the assets there will be long loading times and significant frame drops when loading in. These things rectify themselves after a few seconds, but it's still annoying.
The game window will go completely black when fullscreened and not focused, but it's not particularly obtrusive.
Running under Wine or Proton with the desktop version (not installed through Steam) presents significant input bugs. Sometimes the keyboard would not be recognised, and the mouse in normal gameplay would be unusably sensitive. This seems to be resolved with the Steam version.
Running Wizard101 under Wine OR Proton using lutris, regardless of the options used, resulted in significant hitches, FPS drops, and specific bugs, most notably that attempting to orbit my character using M1 was impossible since the input seemed to accelerate and zip around.
Transferring the game files over to a Steam installation, and using the same version of Proton, along with using the Wine3D launch option, fixes these issues almost entirely. The orbiting is possible again, FPS improves significantly (although it is still unusually prone to dropping in populated or graphically complicated areas), but the hitching when enchanting spells and opening menus is still present.
On the desktop version, installed through Lutris, the game would crash every 90-120 minutes. I haven't played long enough on the Steam version to know if this is resolved.
I should note that I'm using Hyprland (meaning I'm also using Wayland, which is probably the cause of most of my issues,) on NixOS. Also, if you played the "desktop version" before the Steam version, just look up how to transfer it over to Steam, and use the Wine3D launch option, as it seems to be much more stable and performant. Good luck young wizard!

PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
screen tearing
Clicking resets cursor position to center, I think this is just my WM though
fps drops
There is aggressive screen tearing and fps drops without any modifications, I also had a crashing issue, using the launch option to use wine3d solved both for me. I'm running Hyprland on arch linux, other than that no major issues.

Extreme Hitching / Stuttering / FPS Drops
Bloom, Shadows, & Particles > OFF
The game runs fairly smoothly most of the time, however, every few seconds it will freeze for a moment.
Unplayable Lag Causes:
- Opening the chat window
- Holding more than 2 keys at once
- Loading new GUI components (right / left clicking on screen)
- Loading assets (asset injection after download)
- Loading HUD (item / player names)
There are no fixes for these issues. We have tried:
- Bottles
- Proton 5-9 & Experimental
- Lutris with configuration changes
- 3rd-party gecko & webview libraries
- D3d libraries
- Forced OpenGL
- Nvidia Proprietary & Open Source drivers
- Disabling xorg compositing
- Forced composition pipeline (Nvidia display settings)
- Running EXE without Proton (only wine64)
- Much, much more (thanks to the community)
None of the above fix the freezing / hitching / stuttering / FPS drops in this game. Despite this, it is still somewhat playable if the chat window is disabled (the O

Some users report success when installing from exe, but from Steam, the launcher crashes while installing. Changing proton version and settings don't seem to fix on the Deck.

Perfect experience
I'm not entirely sure if it is something that is common in Wizard101, but it seems like the game is constantly downloading assets (the swirly icon in the top left of the game). I have had no issues accessing areas of the game however.
crashes on install
haven't made any attempt to get this working as scaling issues in the installer prevent me from seeing the captcha well enough to log in again, which is also a pretty bad issue
A few issues, but nothing that renders the game unplayable.
Significant FPS drops when chat box is open. Discarding spells in battle causes a slight pause each time. When downloading items that the game has not seen yet, there can be a bunch of mini stutters. Loading screens take a bit longer in comparison to Windows.
Despite the issues I mentioned, the game is still playable.
Duplicated left stick on right
Screen gets tiny after switching apps
In order to use my native Kingsisle account on Steam, I needed to copy essentially the whole base game from a bottles install using the installer on Kingsisle's website to the Steam game location. I was surprised this worked perfectly through Proton.
Simply install, start the launcher, log in and play! No issues with connection to the servers and while playing.
Wizard101 is one of the old forgotten classics of the MMO genre. Very unique as it is the only MMORPG-like card game. Surprisingly and fortunately enough, it still has a very active player base to this day. Enjoy!
gamemoderun %command%
Works perfectly as on Windows / Mac.
It crashed a lot at the beginning, but after 1-2 hours of gameplay, everything began to work great!
WIth a few updates to Proton and Pop OS updates the stuttering issue is still present but greatly reduced
Game launches and plays however there are significant issues with hitching upon loading assets/characters
Hitching whenever a object/player is loaded
Game launches and plays, however in my case I've been experiencing hitching, paticularly in a densely populated area, but is apparent in all aspects of gameplay, it's playable, but enjoyment is reduced.
I have learned so much more about proton/wine via diagnosing this issue, but nothing seemed to effect the issue itself, Updated all drivers, OS up to date, used all version of Proton that would launch the game at all, issue is consistent in all versions/configurations I've tried.
Very playable but still has some problems that are not present natively on windows
lower fps with max particle effects that does not happen in windows also delays when discarding spells stuttering loading other player characters or items
Runs flawlessly, better than native
Launcher fails to open (tested on experimental proton and 5.13).
Works great out of the box with Proton 5.0.9

Works fine from my experience.
Not sure
This game sucks, I doubt a lot of people on linux distros would wanna play this.

I setup an account and ran the game perfectly without any issues all in linux. Didn't need a VM to setup an account.

Tried Proton version 3.16-8 Beta, non beta, 3.7-8, and 3.7-8 beta. The older versions get the game running in the background for longer, but the newer versions don't even start it.

Launcher, login, and game work perfectly out of the box. Runs smoothly, no graphical/audio hiccups.

Tested playing the game. Only issue was that I had to create an account on the Windows then after the account was created, I could log in on Linux through steam play. Other than that, the game ran very smoothly.

Had to create an account on a Windows virtual machine in order to login on my Linux system, but surely some tweaks can be made or the Steam client and game can be run under Wine outside of Steam Play to achieve this. The actual game runs flawlessly, but the launcher just barely works.