you must change to GE-Proton9-23 or better to be able to play offline. The anti-cheat isn't supported on steamdeck/linux so dont't try to go online

I had problems with online disconection. it could a problem of my ISP

El juego no arranca si no tienes Proton GE instalado, incluso después de forzar el uso de Pronton GE9-22 el juego no arranco la primera vez, pero las siguientes veces ya no hubo problema. El online en primeras me dejo entrar, me dejo escoger la región, mi nombre de usuario y demás. En la sala se pueden ver a otros usuarios conectados pero al momento de escoger una partida casual no encontro ninguna partida, desconozco si es por causa del anticheat o por el contrario es que el juego ya no tiene sufienctes jugadores. De cualquier manera reportare cualquier inconveniente que me encuentre de momento el juego es jugable sobre todo si juegas local

this game is awesome but it has some issues with multiplayer because of the EAC, besides that you can play locally.
well it actually works, i can join a match but after around a minute, it auto-disconnects from the match, still better than going back to the main menu. idrk what changed. i've played this game with GE-Proton9-5 for a quite long time, i decided to switch to 9-15 just because and now it is partially working
works out of the box
the game wont launch without protonGE

The game was not at 1920x1080
Does not work withou GE proton

The use of GE Proton allows this game to be playable however without online the game has very little to offer
constantly disconnected from online matches despite seemingly smooth gameplay
worked fine
This is not a good experience for me even outside of the game itself, and I used to love the game when I played on windows

Easy Anti-Cheat is incompatible with linux, and the game can't be launched without some serious tampering
Due to Easy Anti-Cheat, unless you are doing some serious kernel level tampering, you can't play this game online, and you in fact can't even launch it through steam with at least some tinkering or bypassing

Easy Anti Cheat is incompatible with Linux
It runs perfectly, just can't connect online

Works perfectly fine, as long as you dont want to play online. Local matches and story work well, though some of the videos reder poorly.
gamemoderun %command%
Mostly just on some of the cutscenes would render weirdly.
Online play disconnects every time.

EAC logo pops up, goes to black screen, crashes before even getting to the game's title screen
Completely unplayable

Also tried Proton-GE 9-13, and Proton Experimental could not play with these. Haven't tried online multiplayer.

Disconnects online matches every time.
I did play 1v1 and it run well, maybe is bc rollback or even something wrong with the game, didn't do any research on that.

gamemoderun %command%
The game doesn't open with experimental need to switch to GE-Proton and it works almost perfect.

Local works great but online multiplayer doesn't
Intro video is positioned on the left causing it to stretch from edge to edge

Cutscenes were partially blurred
Takes a while to get a match.

mangohud gamemoderun %command%
When triying to join into a fight in the lobby the program says the room is full and then the game is restarted to the main tittle.
Can't join to fight rooms on online.
I can connect to any lobby but can't join to any fight room due it always says is full despite this is not correct. Then, the game it says it lost the connection and I get push back to the main title screen.
I think the problem comes from Easy Anticheat. Despite it load succesfully it creates all this connection problem described.

Game would not launch without GE-Proton7-20. After setting the Proton version it worked perfectly with zero issues.

The game loads easy anti cheat and nothing else
tryed using %command% -eac-nop-loaded and did not even launch
when it starts, easy anti cheat launches and the screen goes black after that. tryed using experimental and proton 9-2 and did not work either.

Overall it works from a single player offline perspective, as it allows you play locally with friends or complete the story mode.
The intro movie is broken, with the video being positioned left on the screen, and streching from the edge to the other edge of the screen.
While I was able to access the lobby and see other avatars moving around, any attempt to join a match caused it to disconnect immediately.
Local multiplayer worked as intended.
Playing using steams basic settings causes the game to crash on launch

Tinker: GE-Proton7-20 version
Didn't noticed any issues. It works great graphics and sound wise. No input lag. I didn't try online multiplayer so far.
Overall (single-player): Excellent.

mangohud gamemoderun %command%
By default, the game is in windowed mode at my monitor's native resolution (1920x1080), and when I set it to full screen I get a gray screen. I don't see any problems with playing in windowed mode, after all, there's no difference, the game still appears to be in full screen.
Playing online isn't my goal, but I tested the multiplayer mode and when I tried to find a match, I was automatically disconnected.
When you try to open the game with Steam Proton, it won't start, so use a GE-Proton version, and you'll be able to play without any problems.

It doesn't work
The game starts, but a momment after it shuts down

Works perfectly using GE-Proton9-1. Didn't fully test online but the online lobby works fine.

With Windowed mode of game, I could still switch to a different virtual desktop while game was running in background, but the compositor seemed to be wonky, not sure what was happening. And the game crashed somehow. Switching to Fullscreen mode in the options eliminated the problem entirely.
Crashed only with Windowed mode. With Fullscreen mode no crash.
Does not even work with newest Proton Experimental. Only playable with GE-Proton and only in local mode. I also recommend Fullscreen. Other than that, it seems to be perfectly playable without issues.

ProtonGE 7-20
jogo funciona perfeitamente com GE 7-20

mangohud gamemoderun %command% -eac-nop-loaded
EAC prevents you from playing online
Offline versus works as expected
EAC was disabled for me, not sure if it is neede anymore

No way to play online, and there will probably never be one, if Bandai Namco thinks that not enough people want it.
EAC is not supported. I've already contacted Bandai Namco support about this and maybe you should too.
Game runs great for everything except online play.
Taken from Keebz' post on DBXV2:
Please contact Bandai Namco support and ask them to enable Easy Anti Cheat support in this game for Proton/Linux. https://support.bandainamcoent.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000446452 You may link them to Steam's documentation that shows how simple it is to do. https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/steamdeck/proton
This is our only hope to get this game playable in online mode on SteamOS at this point.

Literally unplayable, unless you match with someone who by chance has disabled the anti cheat you CANNOT play online at all, offline/arcade works fine but multiplayer is disabled by EAC

It disconnects me right before I go into the online menu.

Single player works perfectly, but the multiplayer just doesn't work. Sadly EAC is ruining online play for linux systems.
The intro video is glichy and unwatchable
Whenever I start looking for a match I am automatically disconnected from the game. EAC is at fault here
works nicely
Game works perfectly using GE-Proton7-20

Matchmaking will not work. Playing with friends who have `-eac-nop-loaded` enabled, or single player, works very well.
gamemoderun %command% -eac-nop-loaded
The startup video is completely distorted. Game will freeze during fights sometimes for 1-5 seconds
The multiplayer works, but you cannot play with people who have anti-cheat enabled. They have to disable anti-cheat via -eac-nop-loaded
. It works mostly fine there, but matchmaking and playing with most online players is impossible and will disconnect after around 30 seconds.

After around a minute into an online Match connection is always lost no matter what.
Offline Play has 0 Problems and feels like it's running even better than on Windows
It's Easy Anti Cheat at it's work. I would love to play this game on Linux but if they can't even give progress of rollback after a year of announcing they won't patch Linux support either.
It just refuses to launch :(
gamemoderun %command% -eac-nop-loaded

Introduction video failed
I was kicked out the match after 1mn of playing against my opponent.
Easy Anti Cheat is an issue

Animation after choosing Online Mode looks messed up, but you just press A to skip it anyways.
The netcode is still bad but it's the same experience on Windows.
EAC works fine, I don't know what everyone's complaining about. Game closes immediately after starting up unless using GE Proton.
Dragon Ball FighterZ e' un gioco bellissimo e su Linux con queste configurazioni funziona benissimo, l'ho testato alla massima qualita'.
gamemoderun %command% -eac-nop-loaded
Il gioco funziona benissimo, non ho avuto problemi a giocare con il mio amico in locale con due joystick!
Consiglio di testarlo e giocarci perche' ne vale la pena e funziona per bene!