The game didn't worked and with the lauch options I had no sound. Then I switched from snap Steam to Flatpak Steam and the game is running out of the box now.
The game crashed instantly, then I switched from snap Steam to Flatpak Steam and the game is running out of the box now.
You need to use protontricks : protontricks 962130 win7 protontricks 962130 -q dotnet472 It worked fine for me.
The game is mostly running fine.
Some crash occurs like 5 times since I started playing.
Good performances but you may need some modifications
The full screen mod freeze the game
To have no freeze you may need to increase the sysctl option vm.max_map_count to prevent crashes due to memory allocation limits in areas with lots of geometry:
Execute in your shell:
sysctl vm.max_map_count => To check the value sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=16777216 => To set it temporarily
I have a large blob on the head, it appears when the hair is loading. It wasn't there in the Beta, maybe it's caused buy the new hair customization system.