Runs flawlessly after tweaking a bit the graphical settings
High setting, locked 45fps. Every starts of races are within 30ish fps, then constant 45fps
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
Noticable artifacting and incorrect lighting when using WineD3D instead of DXVK. Game would not launch w/any Proton version until first launching with WineD3D. After doing that, now DXVK works as well. Seems a fresh save file cannot boot with DXVK?
Make sure to launch for the first time with WineD3D. After you have made a save file, it works with DXVK. Newest Proton that can boot to the menu is 5.13-6. The native port runs, however it is incredibly slow, does not recognize any of my controllers, and up/down keyboard input is not registered (making most menus unnavigable).
Doesn't even launch.
Better than native performance
3440x1440, vsync/aa/sa off, ultra preset. with official 4.11-2 the game runs around 30 fps, is a stuttery mess and crashes on exit. but with 4.14-GE-1 i get ~70 fps pretty stable and smooth without spikes or slowdowns. Logitech F710 works great. btw the linux port is utter crap, don't waste your time on it. download GloriousEggroll proton here
Game works native on Linux (OpenGL), but the Linux port is not the best. On Proton it doesn't work for me, neither with DXVK (just a red logo, then nothing happens) nor with WineD3D (game starts somehow but crashes in the main menu).
Doesn't work for me with Proton and DXVK, the logo will be shown but then nothing happens.