O fps nao fica tao bom no modo ilha do medo com muitos players proximo

I just run ge-proton9-22 with all my games. Other then that no tinkering at all.

Just switch to wine-ge-proton8-26

gamemoderun %command%
Game works without issues.

It works fine
at the first start after clicking the start game button it showed me a black pop up, after clicking randomly on the pop up it closed and let me play the game.
the game runs very well out of the box.

runs just fine
runs pretty smoothly for me without any tinkering. sometimes it freezes the PC tho, but that seems to be a problem on win too

works good right out of the box

Game starts in a floating window on hyprland, but easily fullscreened with hotkey.
Mouse didn't get captured one game start, so I could see the cursor moving around but aim would not move. I still managed a kill though without a mouse... embarassingly for the other person... After the kill then mouse look started working and I played as normal. That's only happened the once

Abri a steam, instalei ativando no modo de compatibilidade a jogabilidade experimental. De resto apenas abri o jogo e a steam logou.
Não tive nenhum problema, seja usando (debian 12 bookworm) ou (arch linux).
Em minha experiencia, o jogo funcionou sem nenhum problema, sem configurações externas. Apenas ativei a jogabilidade experimental no modo de compatibilidade.

gamemoderun %command% --use-d3d11

Its install and open but it quite a few moment later with two terminals open and close quickly and close the game after that
not working properly
Runs perfectly like on Windows.

As of the non-Steam beta version, controller settings are borked and touchscreen can't be utilized
Bootup always asks for account sign in confirmation as a second window; doing so prevents you from doing any of the options before signing in as it automatically loads the game
Could only look around and shoot via controller settings; would soft lock game as the mouse also is used to look around. Playable simulating keyboard controls, but lots of bindings have to be memorized as it's quite extensive and you can't select options on the screen (like anything that doesn't have a key binding.) Using trackpad with controller and keyboard/mouse both default mouse movement as such, not the cursor like in the main menu.
Resetting game after soft locking either brings you back to the match (with no option of denying) and even the training area where no one else is there
Worked well besides the controls
Not supported
Plausibly playable, but lots of limitations, frustrations, and soft locks; hopefully will be fixed for Steam/official release