PROTON_OLD_GL_STRING=1 %command% +set r_mode -1 +set r_customwidth 3440 +set r_customheight 1440 +set cg_fov 121 +set com_maxfps 170 +set r_ignorehwgamma 1 +set com_introplayed 1
See PCGamingWiki for recommended uoconfig.cfg changes (I set com_hunkmegs to "1024" to prevent Steam screenshots crashing the game). Crashing on big maps can be prevented by setting "World Dynamic Light Quality" to "Fastest".
In a few parts of the game, mouse input feels janky. Holding ALT to run regularly prevents any mouse button input, quickly tabbing in and out of the game always solves this.
All newer Proton versions cause major color corruption and artifacts everywhere, even the intro video, making it unplayable.
Thanks for your report, Bilbo Fraggins!
PROTON_OLD_GL_STRING=1 %command% +set r_mode -1 +set r_customwidth 3840 +set r_customheight 2160 +set r_fullscreen 1 +set cg_fov 106 +set com_maxfps 110 +set r_ignorehwgamma 1 +set com_introplayed 1
You need to use launch options to get widescreen resolutions
Some funkyness with the mouse acceleration in multiplayer. Nothing too major though.
Can't change FOV in MP. Have not tested Punkbuster but most servers nowadays don't use it anyways.
IMPORTANT: You need to use an old version of Proton in order for the screen to not be rainbow colored.
Launch options explained:
"PROTON_OLD_GL_STRING=1" - Necessary for United Offensive expansion to not crash on startup.
"+set r_mode -1 +set r_customwidth 3840 +set r_customheight 2160 +set r_fullscreen 1" - Necessary to get widescreen resolutions. Modify as you see fit.
"+set cg_fov 106" - Set FOV for widescreen resoutions. Only works in SP.
"+set com_maxfps 110" - Limit framerate so it stays under your Gsync or Freesync range. I have a 120Hz monitor so 110 is the right value for me. Adjust as you see fit. Make sure to turn off vsync in-game.
"+set r_ignorehwgamma 1" - Works around the game being too dark by default.
"+set com_introplayed 1" - Intro movies don't work with widescreen resolutions so just disable them.
Took me a while to get the correct Proton version and launch options for it to work, but afterwards it was totally worth it.
PROTON_OLD_GL_STRING=1 __GL_ExtensionStringVersion=17700 MESA_EXTENSION_MAX_YEAR=2008 %command% +set r_ignorehwgamma 1 +set com_introplayed 1 +set r_mode -1 +set r_customheight 850 +set r_customwidth 1550 +set r_customaspect 1.7 +set cg_fov 90 +set cg_nopredict 0 +set com_hunkmegs 256 +set cg_drawfps 0
Stuttering mouse because of vsync. Turning vsync off through the launch options didn't actually do anything. I had to manually turn "Sync every frame" off under "Performance" in the game settings.
I unfortunately wasn't able to get multiplayer working.
MESA_EXTENSION_MAX_YEAR=2008 %command% +set r_ignorehwgamma 1 +set r_mode -1 +set r_customheight 800 +set r_customwidth 1280 +set r_customaspect 1.6 +set com_maxfps 60 +set com_hunkmegs 256 +set r_fullscreen 0 +set r_vsync 0
Custom layout made personally for pre-Modern Warfare games
Voice audio is quieter than music and effects; game only has a master volume slider
Similarly to other people's issue on Call of Duty 2003, even with VSync off, mouse input can be stutter when turning
Auto save will sometimes be skipped for one reason or another
Weird frame dips when loading in new content/section
Had a couple random freezes that turned into crashes
In the mission Sicily, if too many of your RNG squad mates die, your squad leader won't give you orders to continue later in the mission. This can be noted if there's no one waiting for you in a corner outside after two enemies kick down the door from there.
Issues with non-tinkered version of base game are also present; needing to be tinkered with to fix
Not supported
Game has too many issues to fully appreciate Call of Duty's only DLC campaign to date.
MESA_EXTENSION_MAX_YEAR=2008 %command% +set r_ignorehwgamma 1 +set r_mode -1 +set r_customheight 800 +set r_customwidth 1280 +set com_introplayed 1 +set r_customaspect 1.6 +set com_maxfps 60 +set cg_fov 90 +set com_hunkmegs 256 +set r_fullscreen 0 +set r_vsync 0
Bind Q (Lean Left) and E (Lean Right) to grips
Utterly broken on modern Proton

Ran well with Proton 4.2-9 and the following launch options:
MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=4.5 MESA_EXTENSION_MAX_YEAR=2008 __GL_ExtensionStringVersion=17700 %command%
I hit play and nothing happened. Steam beeped and then the button changed to "Play" since the game was not running.
Use the following launch options:
MESA_EXTENSION_MAX_YEAR=2008 __GL_ExtensionStringVersion=17700 %command%
The first time launch is all in red and the menu doesn't refresh properly. Windowing helps with the redness but doesn't fix the refreshing, that is fixed below.
Once the game has run once, close it and go to the games directory and open /uo/uoconfig.cfg. uoconfig_mp.cfg is for Multiplayer.
Set the following variables:
seta com_introplayed "1" - Skips the intro videos
seta r_mode "-1" - Allows custom resolutions
seta r_customheight "1440" - Set height you want, mine is for 2k
seta r_customwidth "2560" - Same as before but for width
seta r_customaspect "1.7" - Match your aspect ratio, e.g 1 = 4:3, 1.6 = 16:10 and 1.7 = 16:9
seta com_maxfps "165" - Set to framerate of your screen
seta r_ignorehwgamma "1" - Stops overly bright screen as well as the refresh problem and redness.
Manually add the following line:
seta cg_fov "90" - Change field of view to 90 degrees. Too high and the arms don't fit the screen properly
If you get lag when crouching, going prone or aiming down the sights then change the following variable as well:
seta cg_nopredict "0"
You may get a recursive error crash during the game when Saving to do with Hunk_AllocateTempMemory. To prevent this set the following variable:
seta com_hunkmegs "256" - 128 is default but it's not enough to save the game on certain levels, 256 is more than adequate and will allow the game to save properly.
With all of these applied, the game runs perfectly. I finished a full play-through of the campaign.
The only things that don't work are the intro videos. To view them, just change the in game resolution settings to something it likes and maybe turn off fullscreen and that worked for me. All other videos in game worked.
Also, Sprint default is Alt. This can be problematic depending on your distro and desktop environment. Alt is sometimes used as a shortcut for many different things, and holding down Alt to sprint always made my game lose focus so I couldn't shoot or click, had to Alt + Tab out and in again to get it to work. Changing this key from Alt solves the problem.
Custom Launch Options: `__GL_ExtensionStringVersion=17700 %command% +set r_ignorehwgamma 1` With the above no issues found.

It still fails to load up out of the box. It looks like there is tweaks.

NOTE: Same Report as Before, Just Tested with Newer Driver: Apply this tweak: Set Launch Options (Right Click Game->"Properties"->"General"->"Set Launch Options...") To This String (without triple quotes): """__GL_ExtensionStringVersion=17700 %command% +set r_mode -1 +set r_customheight 1080 +set r_customwidth 1920 +set cg_fov 80 +set cg_drawfps 0""" r_customwidth and r_customheight define the resolution you want to run the game at, enabling widescreen. cg_fov and cg_drawfps are useful tweaks for testing or comfort. The __GL_ExtensionStringVersion removes a Buffer Overrun error preventing launch. With this tweak the game runs flawlessly, with the only issue being the intro cinematic will not play in widescreen, which is exactly the same behavior under Windows, so Gold status is preserved. I also encountered a mouse input issue resolved by adjusting the game resolution to match my monitor. Note: The same fix and status applies to vanilla Call of Duty

Apply this tweak: Set Launch Options (Right Click Game->"Properties"->"General"->"Set Launch Options...") To This String (without triple quotes): """__GL_ExtensionStringVersion=17700 %command% +set r_mode -1 +set r_customheight 1080 +set r_customwidth 1920 +set cg_fov 80 +set cg_drawfps 0""" r_customwidth and r_customheight define the resolution you want to run the game at, enabling widescreen. cg_fov and cg_drawfps are useful tweaks for testing or comfort. The __GL_ExtensionStringVersion removes a Buffer Overrun error preventing launch.
With this tweak the game runs flawlessly, with the only issue being the intro cinematic will not play in widescreen, which is exactly the same behavior under Windows, so Gold status is preserved. I also encountered a mouse input issue resolved by adjusting the game resolution to match my monitor.
Note: The same fix and status applies to vanilla Call of Duty

Amazingly, this runs poorer than it's mother game COD1. There are a couple versions of the buffer overrun workaround. 'MESA EXTENSION YEAR 2008' one gives me a buffer overrun even with it on. The 'GL STRING EXTENSION VERSION 17700' one works, but the menu is a mess. I cant select anything, and the wording is confused. I had to restart my computer.

Same story as with Call of Duty Classic; Add MESA_EXTENSION_MAX_YEAR=2008 %command% to the Steam game launch options to get it to run. Main menu is a artifacting mess on my desktop computer but does display correctly on my laptop, use the in-game menu to load save games and change settings since it does display correctly. Game is darker then it should be due to the gamma boost not working. But the game appears to be fully playable.

Unsurprisingly it has the same problems as the main game. It starts with "MESA_EXTENSION_MAX_YEAR=2008 DRI_PRIME=1 %command%" start commands, but has multiple problems running. In fullscreen mode it is too dark and the brightness cannot be setup, the main menu has screwed rendering in fullscreen mode, and vsync results in stuttered rendering of the game. All this can be avoided by playing in windowed mode, deactivating vsync and using this console command (console has to be activated in settings first): "/com_maxfps 60". this can also be a very helpful command: "/cg_drawfps 1"

Loading is Slow as molasses. Grab a cup of Tea. Menu's run at 10fps, and variable audio all plays at once at once, fix here: https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=35959 World has minor glitches in the level.