it's just a lil platformer and the shantea games usually run good on the steam deck. should run fine for other distros
Allow tearing Half rate shading TDP limit: 4 watts
moving around in the menus is a bit unprocise with joystick, but is fine with d pad. not game breaking
its just dumb fun. its not too hard so it should be something for everyone to enjoy
Select the 64-bit version when prompted. The game runs great.
On Steam Deck OLED, set refresh rate to 60Hz to avoid judder
^The game caps out at 60fps, since game speed is tied to frame rate.
As such, lower refresh rates will run slower, while higher refresh rates (like the default 90Hz) will induce judder.
at startup, choose the 64bit version and it works.
can be run at half CPU speed without problem
everything works fine
Run perfectly.
Has 2 modes normal and DX11, both run without issue. Not sure why labeled as unsupported.
Just choose 64-bit when launching, and everything works perfect.
When launching the game, you have the choice of 32-bit or 64. 32-bit launched and ran, but did not render the entire screen. Only about the upper left three quarters of the screen was visible. 64-bit, however, ran perfectly fine.
Everything works perfectly out of the box.
As of Proton 6.x, it just plain works!
In the past, I would have a 1 fps frame rate until I changed my monitor resolution; then the game would run fine for life. As of recently, I don't even seem to need to worry about that anymore; it just plain works. Super-Platinum.
Had some missing text characters with (64-Bit DX11). No issues with playing 32-bit.
I also had the 1fps at first start. I didn't have to change any resolution settings or add any launch commands. After second start, it worked great. Even loaded my save from a different Windows machine through Steam Cloud.
Works perfectly under standard Proton
Finished the game in normal mode, no issues found. Unfortunately it doesn't support high refresh rate, it's locked at 60fps. Even so, it's a very smooth game (in fact it looked like it did at first), always being at 60fps even with my old PC.
Runs perfectly with DX11 using standard Proton.
Finished the entire game in normal difficulty. Supports high refresh rate, which I recommend for smooth scrolling. Even my old system can run 1080p@120fps.
Game launches and plays the WayForward startup sound. but the display of the logo is completely broken. Unplayable.
Both DX9 and DX11 modes work out of the box; DX9 mode has better performance if D9VK is enabled. If experiencing screen tearing on Nvidia hardware, check "Enable Full Composition Pipeline" in Nvidia X Server Display Configuration.
PROTON_USE_D9VK=1 %command% in launch options did everything
Similar issue to the rest of users with 1fps upon starting the game, the issue is that I also could not get to the options menu as it wouldn't detect either my controller or mouse clicks. I tried forcing use of D9VK in the new 4.11-1 Proton update but even worse results were had a third of the window being blank. I searched for the wfEngine.ini file that should have existed but came up short, so I ended up creating one myself. Make a text file containing
"resolution=(your resolution here) windowed=true" Then save it to the Application Data\Wayforward\ShantaeHero directory as wfEngine.ini. To find this directory, navigate to the Steamapps folder/compatdata/253840/pfx/dosdevices
Then go to the c:users\steamuser\Application Data\Wayforward\ShantaeHero
Then launch the 64-bit version (I had no success with D9VK/32 bit version) and it all should work perfectly ,with controller support and a solid 60fps!
I opened the game for the first time and the 1fps issue reported before happened, but after closing and opening the gaming again everything was fine and work perfectly
The first time you run the game, the first thing you'll notice is that you're at maybe 1 fps. I know this is discouraging but it's pretty easily fixable, and for good.
Patiently start a new game and go to options (for new players, that's an orange gear icon at the bottom-right, watch for it.) Change your resolution once, to anything you like. The game will restart; after that, you can change it back if you like, it won't drop to 1 fps ever again.
After doing that I've gone through the first six missions with nothing even close to another glitch; if this was fixed, I would rate this game platinum!
Runs initially at 1fps, but can be fixed by changing resolution once. Otherwise everything is OK and performance is acceptable with mostly 60fps at 1080p AA disabled but occasionally drops to 45-59fps when there's lots of action on screen.
Runs initially at 1fps, but can be fixed by changing resolution once. Otherwise everything is OK and performance is solid 60fps/1080p with Nouveau and Quadro K2100M.
64-bit DX11 mode runs at about 1 frame per second. 32-bit mode runs well, but there is constant screen tearing right through the middle of the display when in fullscreen, and frequent stuttering in windowed mode. Full controller support.
Just force it to run in dx9 and 10/10, its like windows. Otherwise i will run like 1 fps
Runs perfectly in DX9 mode, runs at about 1 fps in DX11 mode.
Game is unplayably slow without using Wine D3d11. Needed to drop the resolution down for good framerate. Screen tearing is really bad, but the game is fully playable. Played through the first level.
I can confirm that the DirectX 9 mode works flawlessly throughout the entire game, and recently the 64-bit DirectX 11 version has started working, however I haven't played through the entire game with DirectX 11 so I can't say how well it works.
Played only one stage so far, the game however runs fine at 60fps with sound and everything. First start is in windowed mode which can simply be changed just as one would under Windows.
Gamepads won't get detected, using the keyboard curses Shantae to stop running every few seconds, jumping in between helps to bypass that issue.
Installing the game, starting the game in standard mode, switching between windowed and full screen mode. The game runs great at 60fps with audio working fine.
Gamepads won't get detected (tried using the XBOX360 wireless controller), also pressing left or right on keyboard curses Shantae to stop moving every few seconds unless jumps happen in between.
Per immediate below comment. Changing resolutions only needs to be done once to correct problem.
If the game runs at 1fps at launch, the solution is to fight through it until you get to the settings menu, from there change the resolution to anything other than 1080p. Once the game restarts the fps issue will be gone, and you can put the resolution back up to whatever resolution you want it to be. You won't have to do this again after doing this once. Also the dx11 version doesn't launch.
Pixelated intro and terrible performance on DX9 and it will not even launch on DX11
not working at all
Played default version for an hour -- no problems at all. Cannot run the 64bit/DX11 version due to graphics card error/warning.
had to turn off Intel drivers in "drivers manager" and made sure Nvidia drivers were active and restarted. Worked perfectly
I had to install Bumblebee drivers "". Had to play without the 64 bit version
didnt have an FPS counter but pretty safe to say it ran at about 0.5 FPS. However music and sound seemed to run just fine.
Some screen tearing on Ubuntu (Gnome), no screen tearing on Solus (Budgie).
64-bit option crashes in proton. Launching the game normally, there's noticeable screen tearing, and the game doesn't have a v-sync option. I never saw screen tearing when playing the 64-bit option in Wine, though, nor did I see tearing when I last played it on Windows.
The game is pixelated in the intro, and too slow in the menu and game
Have to start at least once in windowed mode (Alt-Return), otherwise it will only run with <1 FPS. 64-bit version does not start at all.
Crashed on welcome screen at first. On play the second time I selected the '64-bit DX11' and now runs fine with minor graphical errors when moving