Runs perfectly. No issues.
Runs good out of the box!
Runs out of the box. Multiplayer worked flawless, too.
Game works out of the box, tested fullscreen and windowed. Also Nintendo Switch Pro controller worked. Good performance. Did not try multiplayer.
No more problems with controller configuration, so it works perfectly now.
As of proton 4.2-1, controller issues are fixed. The game now plays perfectly.
If you play with SteamInput activated for XBox One S Controller (didn't try other controllers) the game crashes when you try to get to the menu pressing "start". Disable SteamInput and the game works just perfect.
I ended the first level without any issue.
Gamepad (steam controller tested) cannot be used as either primary or guest, will cause crash. Sound is very choppy. The taskbar appears as an opaque bar over the bottom until resolution changes in settings -every launch-. Using keyboard and mouse, everything else appears stable and functional.
Tested 15 minutes of gameplay with no apparent issues (aside from the game being pants).