in ROTT - fixed when launching through the executable file 'rott' or run-rott.sh file in game directory
games run well when using Luxtorpedia, ROTT doesn't have music but that's fixed by running the file /steamapps/common/The Apogee Throwback Pack/Rise of the Triad/run-rott.sh

The windows version with proton works ok and they open on a windowed dosbox, some people had problems with the launcher but for me it worked. But for really play this old fps games luxtorpeda works great, just add it to the compatibility list and select it, you don't have to do anything since the 4 games appears on the list. Both Black Stone works great but Rise of The Triad doesn't have music and I think this happens because they didn't bothered to leave the music files, but well at least you can play it.
It's an ok pack but it's kinda expensive even when the source code of these games where leaked.

Even though it was playable with the most up oted community config, I didn't prefer many of the oddities it had. Having to hold the left stick to run in ROTT was pretty silly. I didn't change it drastically or anything but it was refined a lot. Grips and gyros were also disabled so I enabled those for refined aiming and stuff like that.
Other than the controlls stuff. The first time I launched the game, after.aelecting a game in the launcher, it went to a black screen. After quitting and opening it back up again, no further issues were observed. Seems to have been a one off since it's been perfect since then.

Music did not play for ROTT but played for Blakestone.
Full screen didn't cover task panel (XFCE) until I alt-tabbed back into it for ROTT and Blakestone.
Without any tweaks, ROTT and Blakestone work well enough but have some initial problems with full-screen. ROTT does not play music. That said, the game is playable, if a bit inconvenient at the start.
When you start it, you get the game selection screen, and once you select your game, it switches to a blank screen. Sometimes the steam button will work and let you exit, but more than once I've had it to where I had to restart the system.
Only that the music for two titles in this pack not play, though it plays fine in the other two
Without tinkering, no games launch. Luxtorpeda is an essential install.

I had many issues with these games working via Proton 7.

Proton doesn't seem to be the way to get this to work.
Players will want to use https://github.com/luxtorpeda-dev/luxtorpeda to get this working.
The game selection screen comes up. All four games fail to load!

Freezes on splash screen. Tried a few different proton versions, no change.
get some!
Just doesn't start at all

Crashes and burns.

Windows launcher is .NET and won't work. Can still play games with native DOSBox. I edited the .conf files in DOSBOX to the proper relative path/case for the mount command and ran it with dosbox -conf (game).conf

Does not start

does not launch at all (no error)