Працює так само як і на Віндовс. Works just like on Windows
В мультиплеєрі гра час від часу підторможує та зависає. Потім відновлює роботу. Варто зазначити що в мене така сама штука і на вінді. Тому працює так само як і на віндовс
In multiplayer, the game stutters and freezes from time to time. Then it resumes working. It's worth mentioning that I have the same issue on Windows as well. So, it works the same way as it does on Windows

After about 20min game starts heavily lagging and skip frames while GPU is stting at 60%

Works as on Windows
Worked perfectly in Experimental, older proton versions gave visual artefacts and a pink overlay

Requires GE proton and protontricks (manual game's dependencies installation) but then works as on Windows.
Needed to install game's dependencies manually - redist and directx - in order to get rid of pink tint on UI elements. The dependencies are in /.steam/steam/steamapps/Stronghold Crusader 2/resources.
Pink tint on UI elements. Needed to reinstall game's dependencies in order to fix.
Installed mesa drivers. Gui is rendering without any problems, menu visible.
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
I will become bald before I can play the game, since the main menu feels like it is loading 1 frame per second. Graphic settings lowest.
After intro menu is not working
Probably problem with nvidia rendering, clicking randomly on black screen occasionally can click a button and hear it sound
Intro plays normally, but black screen on menu
probably rendering issue because i can randomly click with mouse , and occasionaly click on button and hear sound
Apart for the alt-tab problem, it runs perfectly
Alt-tab freezes black the screen, had to save and quit instead
Intro i czarny ekran
Gra instaluje się bez problemu i odpala się bez problemu ale po intrze czarny ekran, nie pojawia sie menu gry :(
Didn't work
Initial brand's AVIs play, but when when waiting for the menu, game stays all black and nothing happens.
Proton GE 6.21-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Turned on VSync
Doesn't work with proton 6.3.8 or 5.0-10. Very slow first boot - directx was installing for around 5 minutes. Other than that, FPS between 25-75 on my machine, so there are huge drops at times. Turning on v-sync helps.
Singleplayer works out of the box
Multiplayer desyncs constantly.
Game works stably. Play 23h.
Keine Probleme.
Runs perfectly and without any problems
Runs smoothly.

работает как надо

Game works on Proton out of the box. I installed manually D9VK and it worked as well fine with this DX9 to Vulkan translation.

No multiplayer tested.

Все четко, никаких проблем в работе не заметил!

Tested campaign and sandbox. No multiplayer tested.

Runs perfectly. Only in big fights the fps drops down to around 10fps. But it is still playable.

No problems detected so far.

Works perfect. Only in big (multiplayer) fights the FPS goes down to 10-20. But it is still payable.

Did not experience any issues.

Runs very well, performance is somewhat lacking though.

main menu renders choppily, hangs when loosing focus in muli-monitor setup

Works fine

I didn't test multiplayer, but the lobby loads fine and shows running games