Doesn't launch
The game asks to launch the game through Steam, even if it's the case. Not playable.
Infamously, the developers of H&G do not support Linux. Thus, it does not even boot.

Still not working.
still unstartable
prime-run mangohud %command%
Tried with default settings, Proton 7.0-6 and GE-Proton7-53, all attempts failed
'Please, start Heroes and generals through steam'
Last report was 3 months ago, I had a little hope that it would finally work :( Dead by Daylight(EAC game, with unsupported linux) for example, started working for some people on proton recently.
This game DOES NOT support Linux!
I personally contacted their Discord Administrators and asked about this and they told me the game does not support Linux right now and they have no plan to do so. So maybe, if you run Windows on a VM and tried this, perhaps it might work, but on Steam with Proton, It DOES NOT work at all. There are some anti-cheat tools, and the game does not start without them. If you manage to fix those requirements, perhaps it might work, but I didn’t try because I didn’t want to ban my account for some reason. So I suggest you use Windows for this game.

Installed, started but crashed after trying to verify
As others mentioned on steam you will get the following message "Please, start Heros and generals through steam." However if you install it through Epic Games Launcher with lutris or bottles, you can start the game and it will try to verify. However it crashes after the verify button is at the end.
Installed but couldn't launch with error
Installed and tried to launch through steam.
Launch error message "Please, start Heros and generals through steam."
Fehlermeldung, spiel startet nicht
Fehlermeldung Please, start Heroes and generals through steam.
wird angezeigt, das Spiel schließt sich dannach.
Please start the game through steam
Please, start Heroes and Generals through steam.

Wine error Start game through steam
Tried with Proton 6.12-GE-2 and Proton 6.3-8

Wymaga Odpowiedniego portu GRY H&G
Wymaga Odpowiedniego portu GRY H&G
issue is being tracked here: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/3135 I encourage people to add their logs there.

Error message: "Please, start Heroes and generals through steam."
A window titled Error displays the message "Please, start Heroes and generals through steam."
pease start game through steam, anti-cheat issues
Just won't start up.
when starting the game an error is thrown asking to open the game through steam, which is what I'm doing

Doesn't work
O jogo não inicia

Please, start Heroes and Generals through Steam
The same error gets displayed even when opened from Steam or the icon from menu
Tells me to open game through steam.

Error message
"Please, start Heroes and generals through steam."

Not launching at all.
Nothing loads... at all

Error: "Please, start Heroes and generals through steam."
I found something, setting the Steam to verify the integrity of the game, a window appear to ask to remove BattleCry software.
Game doesn't start and appears the message "please, start Heroes and General through steam"

Game doesn't run
When I click no "play" in steam, a window pops up with text "Please start Heroes and Generals through steam".
Google says, the solution is to run steam as administrator, but since I'm on linux...
Ubuntu 19.10

When you run the game you are presented with the following error: "Please, start Heroes and generals through steam".
Proton 5.0-2
When you run the game you are presented with the following error: "Please, start Heroes and generals through steam".

Games fails to load with error.
As with many other reports, the game fails to load. The error message provided from a Wine dialog says to launch the game from Steam despite having been exactly that, loaded from Steam.

When attempting to run the game an error pops up saying "Please, start Heroes and generals through steam".

Same as everyone: "Error: please, start Heroes and generals through steam."

Please start the game throught Steam

Can't run. It says 'Please, start Heroes and generals through steam.'

It will not recognize that it it launched through steam and not allow you to even start

Same as everyone else