Searched, downloaded, and installed 'wsock32 RA2 LAN fix' and 'cnc-ddraw'.
This game has severe performance issues and broken network functionality out of the box.
To fix these:
- search 'wsock32 RA2 LAN fix' and download the replacement 'wsock32.dll' file from moddb. Replace the one in the game folder with this one. This will restore LAN network functionality.
- search 'cnc-ddraw' and download the 7.1 version from FunkyFr3sh's repo on Github. Extract all files into RA2 game folder. Run the config utility and go to the last tab, check on all performance fixes at a minimum. You can set other graphical options to your preference with the other tabs.
- use launch options provided in this report. This will allow the custom DLL files to work.
After these fixes, the game runs great with restored LAN functionality. Sadly, internet play will still not work as the service itself is gone.

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="ddraw.dll=n" %command%
You must install cnc draw. You can change the resolution in ra2.ini. Follow the great instructions in: https://www.protondb.com/app/2229850#6G8XQ3PQxY

On initial install, game launched and started correctly, but was extremely slow.
Followed the path of several other users:
- Use listed launch options
- Download cnc-ddraw, specifically version 6.2 and extract it to game directory. Tried it with the latest version (7.1), but no luck.
- To change resolution, open ra2.ini and ra2md.ini in game directory to manually change it. 1280x720 looks best in my opinion, but the menus are a bit messed up (only in base game, not YR).
Game works great with 9.0-4, just needs some work.

No audio in menu or gameplay. only static

Used this user's method, to make the game run smoother + increase the resolution: https://www.protondb.com/app/2229850#6G8XQ3PQxY

If you are satisfied with the base game and playing online CnCNet, it all works smoothly now with GEProton9-22 as it installs CnCNet for you
The CnCNet launcher just plays loud static instead of the main menu music. Disabling menu music in CnCNet removes the static noise.
If someone can figure out how to install mods like Mental Omega I would greatly appreciate it.

Easy to tinker to get working, requires copying files into game directory (i.e. vsh Borealis)
- Download the last version of cnc-ddraw: https://github.com/FunkyFr3sh/cnc-ddraw/releases/
- Unzip, copy, paste (and replace) the files in the game installation folder, example: /home/USER/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Command & Conquer Red Alert II

Slight slowdown of video and audio when finishing/abandoning a mission usually.
GE-Proton now also installs the CNCNet launcher, which provides a nice QoL upgrade to the native one. You can also change renders, so no manually downloading of cnc-ddraw is needed.

Game worked out of the box but without installing cnc-ddraw wasn't really playable.
- Installed cnc-ddraw via protontricks. Without it game lags horribly when moving mouse
- Changed resolution to 1080p in RA2.ini and RA2MD.ini in game folder
Only played Yuri's Revenge. Playing on Fedora 40
- Download the last version of cnc-ddraw: https://github.com/FunkyFr3sh/cnc-ddraw/releases/
- Unzip, copy, paste (and replace) the files in the game installation folder, example: /home/USER/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Command & Conquer Red Alert II
- Set the correct speed in the game settings. In my case, by default the game was super fast, the correct option was "FAST".

- Proton version 9.0-3
- Download cnc-ddraw: https://github.com/FunkyFr3sh/cnc-ddraw/releases/tag/v6.8.0.0
- For LAN game download wsock32.dll: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3320494408
- Russian Language: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3320646056
Downloaded https://github.com/FunkyFr3sh/cnc-ddraw/releases and installed it at "SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Command & Conquer Red Alert II/"

Downloaded https://github.com/FunkyFr3sh/cnc-ddraw/releases and installed it at "SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Command & Conquer Red Alert II/"
Need cnc-ddraw and to switch Proton to 8.05 to remove it

Game works, just needs a bit of tinkering (YR and Base game both work), also my fav game of all time <3
To get both games to work
- Switch to proton version 8.0-5
- download cncddraw https://github.com/FunkyFr3sh/cnc-ddraw/releases for me, Version 6.2 is what worked, where as version 6.6 did not work.
- Extract the files where your game is installed, and replace everything.
- open ra2.ini and ra2md.ini, and write your wanted resolution there granted, even though my display supports 1920x1080, i found that 1280x720 looks nice But, the menus scales weirdly for the base game (a problem that YR does not have, the menus of that game will run at base resolution)(noting that, in game, the resolution you assigned will be obeyed).
Note that number 4 is optional, you can just launch the game, and change resolution from settings, but then you'll have 1024x768 as the maximum.
Dragon_Rider had another report (scroll down, or move between pages you'll find his report).

Used CNCNet launcher and cnc-ddraw renderer DLL
Some menus are missing or inaccessable depending on configuration, certain screens display wrong (use cnc-ddraw instead of ts-ddraw to fix)
Issues with getting to game to run via Proton/WINE are also present in trying to get the game to function on Win7/Win10 and are tied to the game engine

Too sluggish to play for now.
menu are working fine, in-game feel very sluggish

Unfortunately doesn't work -_-

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="wsock32,ddraw=n" %command%

Game work in slowmotion
I try on proton experimental and 9.0.1, work the same like on windows sad-kek
從 https://github.com/FunkyFr3sh/cnc-ddraw/releases
取得最新的版本後,將檔案解壓縮至遊戲目錄,最後 steam 設定好啟動選項後就可以正常玩了!

The animation of the cursor to move the troops produces a slowdown
The latest version of Proton experimental allows the game to run without problems, even at low resolutions. The problem occurs when the mouse pointer is animated, a significant drop in performance occurs.
Installing cnc-ddraw corrects this problem and runs the game the way it should be without loss of performance.

proton experimental required

One of the best RTS game ever made. Plays extremely well on the Steam Deck, with the proper controls.
In game option should be changed to the max resolution of 1024x768x16 and scroll speed to the fastest.
I recommend playing the game with speed 4/Fast, the setting faster than that is hard to keep up and the fastest is way too fast to enjoy.

Not playable yet.
Test with Proton 8.0.5 and Experimental. Launch = OK. After the cinematic, black screen on the main menu. Impossible to play.

I followed the advice of Dragon_Rider and it works perfectly. I'll repost them for your convenience. A bit of an involved process to get this game running:
Launch the game, wait for the main menu then quit out of it (DO THIS WITHOUT THE LISTED LAUNCH OPTIONS!)
Get cnc-ddraw from https://github.com/FunkyFr3sh/cnc-ddraw/releases and unpack it to .steam/Steam/steamapps/common/Command & Conquer Red Alert II replacing any existing files.
In the RA2.INI and RA2MD.INI files, which are in the same directory as above, and change the resolution to your desired resolution. Note the UI doesn't scale well and so I would recommend not going above 1920x1080.
Again in the same directory go to DDrawCompat.ini and add your resolution to the list
Apply the specified launch options and then launch the game.
On the main menu type "hires" and the high resolution options should be available in the options. When starting a skirmish or in options in the campaign, you will have the optio
The resolution scaling is a bit weird in the videos and the main menu. In the base game nothing scales, so everying is original 640x480 with large black borders and in Yuri's revenge they both scale to fill the screen height which makes them look pixly and low-res.
Without the 'tinkering' setup there is only blackness after the initial video

Installed https://github.com/FunkyFr3sh/cnc-ddraw
when you play it like i does and use lutris then you need to go to Runner Options and under Dll overwrite you need to put ddrew.dll into key and n into the value since wineoverrides command dont work with lutris

The game played the opening titles but when it should pull up the main menu, it shows it for a split second but then goes black
You can still hear the music and see a system cursor, but I can't seem to find any intractable spots on screen.

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="ddraw=n,b" gamescope -w 1024 -h 768 -W 3440 -H 1440 -F fsr -f -- %command%
Needs CNC-DDraw (https://github.com/FunkyFr3sh/cnc-ddraw), and to run at higher resolutions without the screen shrinking when opening menus, gamescope is recommended. For -W and -H, use your Monitor's maximum refresh rate, not mine. Default CNC-DDraw settings should be fine, but disabling fullscreen may help with some issues. Additionally, allowing additional resolutions (resolutions=2 in ddraw.ini) and setting to 1024x768 seemed to fix an issue I had with the scroll speed being too high.
Could not properly use edge-scroll without using gamescope. Ignored bottom and right edges, and anywhere on the top or left scrolled both up and left. Using gamescope resolved this.
Because CNC-DDraw replaces ddraw.dll in the original files, updates to the game or verifying integrity of the game cache may delete it, and require a reinstall of the CNC-DDraw ddraw.dll file. DDraw overrides can also be set via protontricks and winecfg, to remove that section from the launch options. CNC-DDraw version 6.2 was used during my testing.

After adding cnc-ddraw to fix the menu, RA2 works as it does on Windows and is an absolute masterpiece that to this day is still a must play
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="ddraw.dll=n,b" %command%
Launch the game, let the intro movie run, then once the black menu pops up close the game, download and extract the cnc-ddraw files into the main game folder, then start the game again and the menu will be visible https://github.com/FunkyFr3sh/cnc-ddraw/releases
Occasional audio glitching, but it's not frequent enough to be a problem
Menu appears briefly and then goes black. If clicking something among the invisible menu it can flicker if you press a button.

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="ddraw.dll=n,b" %command%
Needed to mess around with launch options and download + use cnc-ddraw. I also set:
in ddraw.ini
For more details see here: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/6208
Game occasionally freezes on random and becomes unresponsive.

When configured, the game works as it should. For the Steam Deck screen, I recommend a 960x600 res. LCD batt ~4-5h.
install cnc_ddraw
TDP 3-4
The main menu is distorted, but you can navigate it. In desktop mode, incorrect window placement or graphical menu glitches may occur.
- Install cnc_ddraw via Protontricks.
- Download the latest 'cnc-ddraw' and unpack it into the game folder overwriting all files (https://github.com/FunkyFr3sh/cnc-ddraw/releases)
- Set compatibility to Proton Experimental
- In 'RA2.INI' and 'RA2MD.INI' replace 'ScreenWidth=X' and 'ScreenHeight=X' were 'X' is your desired resolution
- Set the TDP limit to 3-4 and Scaling filter on Pixel if on lower res.
- Play
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="ddraw.dll=n" %command%
aswell as the launch options. Download "cnc ddraw" from Github, copy into Red Alert 2 directory, edit screen resolution to "1280x800" in ddraw.ini, RA2.ini and RA2MD.ini
Installed on Steam, Intro works, black screen in menu.
Having changed the ddraw DLL from https://github.com/FunkyFr3sh/cnc-ddraw/releases and adding the 1200×800 resolution to RA2.ini, RA2MD.ini, and DDrawCompat.ini, I can confirm that it works perfectly on Steam Deck

Installed ddwrapper.exe fix
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="ddraw=n" %command%
Download cnc-ddraw from guthub (https://github.com/FunkyFr3sh/cnc-ddraw/releases)
Unpack it to games root folder, Command & Conquer Red Alert II
Run RA2 with these launch options: WINEDLLOVERRIDES="ddraw=n" %command%
Set the native resolution in ra2.ini and ra2md.ini: ScreenWidth=1280 ScreenHeight=800
Games runs perfect no issues so far.

Using both GE, Experimental and standard proton
seemingly borked right now, as locks to a low resolution and only shows a black screen.
A bit of an involved process to get this game running:
- Launch the game, wait for the main menu then quit out of it (DO THIS WITHOUT THE LISTED LAUNCH OPTIONS!)
- Get cnc-ddraw from https://github.com/FunkyFr3sh/cnc-ddraw/releases and unpack it to .steam/Steam/steamapps/common/Command & Conquer Red Alert II replacing any existing files.
- In the RA2.INI and RA2MD.INI files, which are in the same directory as above, and change the resolution to your desired resolution. Note the UI doesn't scale well and so I would recommend not going above 1920x1080.
- Again in the same directory go to DDrawCompat.ini and add your resolution to the list
- Apply the specified launch options and then launch the game.
On the main menu type "hires" and the high resolution options should be available in the options. When starting a skirmish or in options in the campaign, you will have the option to select speed, I recommend 4, but the important thing is to change it away from 6