Comrade General
On initial install, game launched and started correctly, but was extremely slow.
Followed the path of several other users:
- Use listed launch options
- Download cnc-ddraw, specifically version 6.2 and extract it to game directory. Tried it with the latest version (7.1), but no luck.
- To change resolution, open ra2.ini and ra2md.ini in game directory to manually change it. 1280x720 looks best in my opinion, but the menus are a bit messed up (only in base game, not YR).
Game works great with 9.0-4, just needs some work.
d3dx9, d3dcompiler_42, d3dcompiler_43, d3dcompiler_46, d3dcompiler_47, d3dx10_43, d3dx11_42, d3dx11_43
Installed and launched with Proton9.0-4, started new game and CTD upon initial autosave. Restarted game and loaded autosave fine, but CTD at next autosave. Switching to DX9 stopped CTDs. Installed and forced GE-Proton9-22, then installed Protontricks and the dll's others have mentioned. Was able to switch back to DX10 in-game and no more CTDs. Runs very smoothly, no issues. Didn't test DX11 as it was always a buggy mess all on its own in my experience.
Bottom half of screen was heavily artifacted upon initial install.
Game launched fine and started a new game successfully using default Proton. Just like SoC, bottom half of screen had major artifacting. Checking settings, resolution was set to 1080p. Changed it to native 1440p and artifacting was gone. Tested DX10, ran perfectly, no crashes or save corruption.
Tested a couple of random modpacks (Clear Sky Mod Pack 2012, The Warmongers) and everything worked fine. I'll note that in order to make mods work, their gamedata folders had to be purged of any remaining 'Thumbs.db' files leftover from Windows. Open a terminal, navigate to wherever the mod's gamedata folder is and enter:
find -type f -name "Thumbs.db" -exec rm -i {} \;
This also got mods to work in both Shadow Of Chernobyl and Call Of Pripyat. Thank you, ancient r/stalker post. Funny how the buggiest of the trilogy gave me the least trouble. Never change, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
DXVK_FRAME_RATE=60 %command%
Bottom half of screen was heavily artifacted upon initial install.
Launched fine and even started a new game successfully, but bottom half of screen had major artifacting. Tried a few fixes to no effect including frame rate launch option, then realized that the resolution was only 1080p. Changed it to native 1440p and artifacting disappeared entirely. Ran perfectly, no crashes or save corruption.