Outside of loving the game, it is also a low spec game and is perfect for the steamdeck's specs. General linux gamers will also enjoy it.
Must use nexon launcher to work. Steam version or direct exe file do not work.
Graphic option menu appears to be buggy. Can't swap between windowed and fullscreen.
Menus with drop down options may not work correctly. Specificly in the game settings menu.
A 20 year old MMORPG with decent compatability with proton. Worth checking it out.

I played it for several hours, it worked flawlessly. I ran commerce, Shadow Missions, dungeons you name it. All in a party with friends.
To install I had to install the Nexon Game Launcher on Heroic and use WINE, after it worked flawlessly.

Only crashes when interacting with the Guild Home pop-out window (somehow I managed to leave the guild I was in, just required a lot of patience and crashing)
Even though ProtonDB classifies this report as Not Recommended, I fully recommend anyone and everyone give Lutris a try by installing Nexon Launcher via it's install file from the official Nexon site!

Bottles suddenly stopped working for me after the Ubuntu update to 24.04.1. I saw another user's report that Lutris worked very well for them and removed the double-click issue many have mentioned.
Lutris works great for me, and I recommend this route if anyone is having issues running Mabinogi with Bottles! I have no problems running this in Lutris so far -- it's practically perfect!

No script on Lutris, but set wine ge 8-26, set system winetricks, and enable Esync, Fsync. Disable FSR, and both anti-cheat runtimes. Below these tick boxes you'll see the virtual desktop option, you may need this depending on your DE/WM, I have this disabled.
Next tab disable lutris runtime and prefer system libraries. (MAKE SURE 32 and 64 Wine is installed) Enable Feral Gamemode everything else leave default.
This will work without issues, gold rating.
You're going to need to download the installer from their website, and add it as a game manually with these lutris settings. No need for wine debug tools on fedora from what I've experienced.

On my previous report I tried with Bottles but it had the infamous Double Clicking problems others were having. Switch to Lutris and use Wine GE 8-26 and it should work fully. Note Window Managers might have issues with the game like locking the camera for example as I have experienced on Hyprland.

Double Clicking
This game will only work on Bottles, not Steam. My method to temporarily fixing the double clicking bug is to
- Enable Virtual Desktop in bottles and winecfg with your screen resolution as well
- Launch the program through Legacy Wine Tools > Debugger and then type bt all then open nexon launcher and then the game through that
Virtual Desktop may not be needed if you aren't a window manager user, but it helps fix a problem with camera being completely broken for me at least.

been running good with bottles
need download bottles and nexon launcher to play it cant play from steam store verison

Double clicking issue as previously noted
Bottles method works by downloading Nexon Launcher and logging in, no steam required. I did have to switch from the default Soda 8 to Soda 9 in bottles as otherwise the Nexon Launcher would crash on startup.

It seems like the game thinks you're double-clicking in certain menus, such as accessing characters or the inventory. It's hit-or-miss, but since I'm not the only one who's mentioned it, I thought I should bring it up.
I was able to use the Nexon Launcher alone to launch the game through Bottles instead of using Nexon + Steam, but I previously linked my two accounts, so ymmv. With the exception of the occasional double click issue, this runs as I expect!
Just set up a bottle for the Nexon launcher, download the launcher from the Nexon site, run the application in your newly created Bottle, and the launcher runs as expected!

I've got a temporary solution to the interface bug that seem to work fine for me. It has to be done every time I launch the game, which is a bit annoying. I don't know why it works. Here are the steps:
- Have a working mabinogi installation using the bottles method.
- Start the "Debugger" in the "Legacy Wine Tools"
- Input "bt all" to start tracking
- Start the nexon launcher and then mabinogi. Game will likely crash.
- With the nexon launcher still open, go to "Game Configure", then "Repair Installation"
- Start the game again. This time the check boxes should be clickable and the dropdowns functional.
One thing that still isn't working is the in-game cash shop interface. But at least I can just purchase from a browser outside of the game.

fullscreen works with alt enter, but moving it in windowed move causes it to go gray.
Mouse doesn't work properly in the user interface, can't tick checkmarks, or open drop down menus.
User interface, won't be able to change settings.
I installed and ran this game without issues manually adding the new nexon launcher as a game in lutris.
It'll install the things it needs no problem.
Hopefully solutions can be found for the interface bug.
If someone finds a solution for this, I would give this a gold rating.

Cant click certain parts of interface, such as AH tick boxes
In the bottle environment, make the bottle an application environment, install steam in the bottle, enable bottles runtime compatibility setting. and use the Nexon Launcher downloaded from their website directly. Discovered this after a few months of experimentation. Please god dont let them "patch" this out T.T

Confirming game does not run
Installed Microsoft .NET 3.5SP1
Various versions of Proton yield a variety of results. Anything after 7.0-6 will launch the launcher. Anything before 7.0-6 does nothing. GE-Proton9-2 seemed to give the best result, with the launcher launching but the game's bootstrapper hanging in the background indefinitely. The game itself never launched, which could be due to the anti-cheat, if I had to guess.

Tried various things - game will not launch
Just adding that this is still broken
cant play game even with it docked with mouse and keyboard wile trying to stream it from home it dosent receive mouse inputs
Game does not load on GE-Proton7-24, Proton Experimental, or Proton 7.0-3. Likely due to ring 0 anti-cheat being required.
Game crashes when trying to open

Launcher shows up, closes to launch game - but game doesn't load
Upon installing the game, you'll be prompted to link your account to Steam. Once you've done so, it will then allow you to start launching the game; however, once the launcher closes to start the game, the game doesn't start. Presumably, this may be due to the anti-cheat that Nexon utilizes for Mabinogi (GameGuard).
Nexon Launcher opens, then disappears. No sign of the game window or login screen.
Launcher starts but doesn't start the game.

Launcher opens, but when it attempts to run the game, everything simply closes.
Report applies to 5.11 GE and 5.0.9. On some earlier versions of Proton you can get the game to run, however upon loading in with a character it will crash.

If you could get this game running. It would still be borked because of the anticheat (blackcipher)
The Mabinogi Devs have opportunity to have this game to run with steam compatibility. However they have not showed interest in linux so far. This Forum post ( http://forums.mabinogi.nexon.net/discussion/18102/wine-proton-on-linux-support )describes the situation well even for being a year old. Hope that the game devs consider this eventually

It starts up, but only in the background, I need to use "top" command to find "client.exe " and kill it manually.

The game runs and you can login, but after a few seconds of getting on your character the game crashes and pops up with "visual c++ runtime R6025 - pure virtual function call" error

logs in and runs on latest version but after a set amount of time crashes due to "visual c++ runtime R6025 - pure virtual function call"

The game launches, but after several minutes in-game, I was disconnected due to a "security threat" being detected.

Game crashes on start

Game fails to launch