Shows as native but does not provide a native build. Borked With Proton
You can install it natively but when you run it, it does not start. With proton it runs but has a Nexon Guard error. then closes the game and brings up an error report window. The Error Message is 114 "Un-supported OS ( Error code 114 ) "
If you could get this game running. It would still be borked because of the anticheat (blackcipher)
The Mabinogi Devs have opportunity to have this game to run with steam compatibility. However they have not showed interest in linux so far. This Forum post ( )describes the situation well even for being a year old. Hope that the game devs consider this eventually
I have dealt with lag all my gaming career and is not a deal-breaker for me. I admit It might be for others.
I followed this Guide w/ Help from Discord!
Install Winetricks using this command
wget chmod +x winetricks sudo mv winetricks /usr/local/bin
I moved winetricks to usr/local/bin to have the protontricks commands work in the terminal
I used protontricks which is a wrapper for winetricks. Latest fork is here use the link to install protontricks you need winetricks in order for protontricks commands to run
Used this command to install dotnet 4.72 and vcrun faudio d3dcompiler_47
protontricks 244850 --force -q dotnet472 vcrun2015 faudio d3dcompiler_47
Also I installed win7 afterward in the same prefix using the command
protontricks 244850 win7
Follow the Manual Set up guide's ( "step 3" to add one command to fix audio glitches
Screen Tearing Due to my graphics driver. V-sync fixes the problem but with performance cut
Mouse movement caused frame lag while the arrow keys did not.
Frame Drop in some areas when moving the mouse. The arrow keys give no lag
The Sound is slightly bugged You can't hear the normal clicking sound which is a slight "Ting" Doors sounds were bugged did not always play. When the anniversary update was installed it fixed the door audio.
Those who have Space Engineers working already but are stuck with waiting on a black-screen to end. You can fix this by going into the Local Files for space engineers. (right click on Space engineers in steam and click properties. Then click the local files tab. Click browse local files)
Once your in the space engineers directory click content then click videos.
You should see the file KSH.wmv you need to rename it KSH.wmv.old That will get rid of the black-screen at launch that has effected many on the game page.