Lowest possible graphics. Also for performance. Lock at 30fps.
Consistent frame drops, especially during the credits cutscene
game works well out of the box

Textura demorando pra carregar as vezes
Depois de cerca de 1h jogando, o jogo dobrou o uso da gpu e teve queda grande de fps ate eu reiniciar
O jogo crasha antes de abrir o menu no proton da expermental, precisa mudar pra a versão 8.0-5 para conseguir jogar, (a versão 9.0-2 tambem não esta funcionando)

Performance just isn't a good experience. While frame gen bumps up the fps it doesn't feel good, is inconsistent and high latency.
It's just too much for the Deck
Runs perfectly

gamescope -f -h 1080 -H 1440 -- %command%
I had trouble with running the game at a lower resolution. I used gamescope so I could render the game at 1080p and display it at 1440p
Try the demo, and see if it's worth your time.

Completed without any crash or bug. Game demands good hardware (even on Windows though).
Need to tab out and back in for mouse focus when starting the game.
Frame cap setting is doubled when FSR3 is activated.

Really annoying audio crackling and it happens about once very chapter or so. I can push through it, but I doubt most people would.
a game restart fixes it; audio server is pipewire 1.0.0, with wireplumber 0.4.16
In the main menu the mouse can be very stuttery
While the main in-game performance is as expected, I had 1 cutscene (after chapter 1) where the game dropped down to ~7fps and seemed to run single threaded.
Great game overall, just very performance hungry and the probably Linux specific issues I already described.

I had issues in a previous report that turned out to be a hardware error. After that was fixed it runs fine.

Even if forcing Proton Experimental is still needed, now AMD FSR3 frame generation works just fine and doesn't make the game crash. It gives a great performance boost, and in areas without enemies the game can reach 50-55 fps with setting set to minumum. but it's not like a game running at that framerate natively. Also, it has frequent fps drops when fighting enemies. It's playable, but not a great experience on deck.

Sometimes doesnt' work with USB headset until the audio config is changed.
Maybe half an hour to an hour between crashes. Game freezes but I can switch to other apps, and eventually the game closes.

Don't ever try to enable FSR frame generation right now. Game crashes when trying to enable that option. Also, it remains saved in the save files and the game keeps crashing at startup. If it happens, i suggest you to diable steam's cloud save and delete the save folder.
FSR3 without frame generation seems working just fine
On Steam Deck, FRS3 even without frame generation offers a good eprformance boost, and the game is now able to run at 30 fps. i suggest you to keep the suggested settings (almost everything to low) and FSR balanced. Can still have some trouble in more intense scenes, but overall it's playable

Don't ever try to enable FSR frame generation right now. Game crashes when trying to enable that option. Also, it remains saved in the save files and the game keeps crashing at startup. If it happens, i suggest you to diable steam's cloud save and delete the save folder.
FSR3 without frame generation seems working just fine
Even if frame generation doesn't seem to work right now, FSR3 upscaling offers a good quality boost. Everything else seems working fine

Slow resource loading
The mouse in the menus was not working at first, a restart fixed it. Might be an issue with the WM or something.
It requires Proton experimental, as otherwise the game just crashes. No flags or other tweaks were needed to play

Game runs great, a little slow on the combat sections thanks to all the textures and particle effects flying everywhere. You will need newer hardware to get decent FPS at high settings, especially at 1440p from what I've read. I currently game at 1080, so my rig is more than enough to handle what this game throws at it in that resolution.