Technically runs out of the box, broken video playback makes it hardly enjoyable
The game uses MP4 and WMV video files for ingame animations. A test image is shown instead.
Sometimes the game freezes after character selection
Trying with Proton GE (9-12) instead of 9.0-2 there are less test images seen in the game but the main dice roll animation is still broken.
neither tutorial nor singleplayer works beyond character selection

Unplayable, blocks on loading screen after character selection
Crash after selecting character to play
Tried Proton experimental, 7.0-6 and 6.3-8 with no success. Gets completely blocked on the loading screen after character selection
Couldn't make it though the first part of the tutorial without the game hanging.
Tested final 1.0 release and found it to still be too unstable to play reliably on the Deck
Card text is too small to read on the Deck, requiring the magnifyer to view.
Dice rolls were replaced with the dreaded color bar placeholder graphic
Random crashes, often after selecting a character to play or moving the character to a new room location.
Frequent lock-ups after selecting character to play, as well as character movement to a new location. Dice rolls did not render, replaced with color bar overlay, making the results of the roll difficult to decipher. Given the final 1.0 release of the game's state, I am skeptical this game will ever be completely stable and playable on the Deck.
Got it running only with 6.8-GE-1, other GE and build in versions of proton have either graphic issues in the menu, do not even start or crash when starting a solo game
Text is somewhat small, but readable.
Did testing with the game right out of the gate with no adjustments. Game did launch, and was playable, but text is somwhat small but mangeable.
Game auto adjust itself by default to maintain 60 FPS, but graphics look a little jagged. You can tweak graphics settings to your preference though.
Default mouse controls get the job done. I imagine community controls will make it even better.
Using Valve's rating criteria, I would give this the "Playable" verdict with the bullet points I listed above.