background textures showing on top of things at frame rates set higher than 30fps (setting to 30 in game settings fixed it)

Created a file called "steam_appid.txt" containing the number string "1888160" (the game's Steam ID) in "...Steam/steamapps/common/ARMORED CORE VI FIRES OF RUBICON/Game/". This seems to solve a problem with EasyAnticheat not letting the game launch properly. If you can't get past a black screen and a cursor, try this.
I've had to tinker with this twice on different versions of Linux Mint. No matter what, the game will hang still hang a bit on exit and this appears unavoidable. It doesn't interfere with my love of this game, however.

Only once during an boss fight where a lot
of heavy visual efects where happening
I used to be able to launch it on default Proton but after a few hours it now doesn't boot in it, changing to a more recent one fixed it.

Funcionou tranquilamente com controle e Ray Tracing sem nenhum problema.

on first start, my bluetooth headset got borked and I had to re-connect it to make it play audio again; no further issues on subsequent starts
game starts to stutter 20-40 Minutes into gameplay when moving the mouse, but can be solved by adding the provided launch option or unplugigng the mouse and playing with controller; more details at https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steam-for-linux/issues/11446

even the multiplayer works flawlessly, i love this game its like crack.

The visual glitches I experienced, while seemingly exclusive to me, do make the game a chore to play. Other than that, it runs perfectly
Bizarrely, shaders and objects which should be in the background (eg fog) ended up overlayed over all textures, rendering the game quasi unplayable. Typically happens after event (eg cutscene or new enemies/change in environment) or restarting the mission after dying.
Some stuttering, although I figure this is acceptable. Game runs at around 80fps on a gtx1650 with minimum graphics settings.
PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=240 %command%
Fixed by setting the latency in the launch commands.

worked out of the box for me
on first start, my bluetooth headset got borked and I had to re-connect it to make it play audio again; no further issues on subsequent starts

This game should be Steam Deck verified. There are other verified games with smaller fonts and/or icons.
Having played this game on a big screen, I'd go as far as to say that Steam Deck (or a handheld) is the ideal device for this game. Runs surprisingly smooth, between 40-60 FPS, and looks absolutely gorgeous on the Steam Deck screen. The small screen compensates for the bad camera implementation. I had no crashes and no sound issues in my whole playthrough.

echo "%command%" | sed 's/start_protected_game.exe/armoredcore6.exe/' | sh
Needed to Alt-Tab or change Fullscren to Borderless or viceversa at least once for the game to start running at 60 FPS.
Ran smoother on Windows
Game was performance-wise unplayable until I did Alt-Tab or changed windowed to fullscreen or viceversa. Command changes the executable with anti-cheat for the non-anti-cheat one, which disables online. So you can't play multiplayer with this tinkering, but it's fine by me, I'm just here for V.IV Rusty.

Perfect, i guess. even with Dualsense. Game was pre-installed on a NTFS Windows partition, by WIndows.
Vanilla Fedora41 KDE + Steam and Proton
NTFS mounting info here (swapped ntfs -> ntfs3 driver) https://www.reddit.com/r/Fedora/comments/14jamv5/how_to_make_steam_run_games_from_ntfs_drives/

From my experience must use kernel 6.9.x or higher or the game wont launch.

Limit to 40Hz/FPS
Work without question, even PvP. I limted the screen to 40Hz and it was stable 99% of the time, the only times it drop a little were usually when 2-3 bosses died with big explosion but imo that barely counts because an FPS drop doesn't matter when the fight is over already.
Game runs great. I had issues before but needed to update my GPU drivers (Mesa). Only issue is Steam overlay won't appear.

(From https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Armored_Core_VI:_Fires_of_Rubicon#Issues_unresolved): Disabling EAC (offline play) by backing up the original start_protected_game.exe→creating a copy of armoredcore6.exe→renaming this copy as start_protected_game.exe
May work with different tinker steps and not diabling Anti-Cheat, but I personally don't play online so I don't mind.

Experienced slowdown when loading into a mission but changing to another window then back to the game usually fixed the issue
Game would hang and either freeze up or massively slow down everything else on the system on the loading screen for the "Operation Wallclimber" mission. Unable to identify the cause or a fix so far but ram usage would get incredibly high
May be an issue with my setup in particular but logging here regardless just in case

Game is very unstable, seemingly 50/50 chance it crashes during any given mission
Game is too unstable to play

The game ran perfectly. Zero config issues, and the experience was painless.

Almost flawless experience OOTB (played through all 3 endings)
Game would close but not stop after quitting in-game (or it possibly just took a long time and I never waited long enough). I always manually stopped it from Steam after quitting in game in order to get around it, so it's not a big deal.

The games runs smoothly, which is appreciated given the nature of this particular game.

Singleplayer works without any problems
Managed to get all 3 endings, didn't try multiplayer though

Haven't tried it on Windows but seems really decent
On MAX settings in Full HD I locked FPS on 90, sometimes it drops below but it had to be expected. Overall the experience is quite smooth without any visual glitches.

Runs great, didn't run into any issues. Even the periodic stutter I was getting on Windows is gone.
gamemoderun %command%
Seems to take a while for the game to fully finish quitting (from Steam's perspective) for some reason, but it's in the background so it's not that significant.

everything was great, but ten hours in there started to be significant lag that made the game unplayable

gamemoderun gamescope --hdr-enabled -H 1440 -W 3440 -f -- %command%
Controller had issues. Turns out that it only works if you start steam with the -steamos flag
Works out of the box with the latest proton and without gamescope. However with gamescope, I ran into some issues with my xbox one controller not being detected. After some debugging, it came down to running steam with the -steamos flag - Afterwards, the controller was detected again. Hopefully it helps someone who runs into this issue
Crashes on startup if Steam was installed through snap. Runs out of the box with Steam installed through apt.
EasyAntiCheat runs, but if you wish, it can also be disabled offline by replacing "start_protected_game.exe" with "armoredcore6.exe".

gamemoderun mangohud %command%
I initially had graphical problems with the default proton, which was fixed by changing to ProtonGE. Later I found out that the issues were caused by amdvlk lib32-amdvlk drivers. Switching to vulkan-radeon fixed the problems completely. The issue was driver related, not proton.

Game crash when pressing "Continue" or "New Game"
Game installs and boots normally. Main menu and settings are able to be adjusted and viewed.
Crash when the loading screen is up. GE and older versions of Proton does not fix the issue.

Turning on Raytracing would crash the game
I used the command only to enable raytracing in the option. You can play the game without the command.

Keep game save backups
This game will eat your save file, it has happened twice and it over writes the cloud save when this happens.

as of 19 April 2024 EAC seems to kick me to offline mode now. Otherwise it plays well.

Great all around. Haven't played long but performance was incredible without any input.
Proton 8.

Wow! It just works!
Plays as if it was a native port. No lag, fps drops, or crashes!