Works (mostly) flawlessly.
If you can't play the game after the first time you run it, DON'T PANIC! First, restart Steam and see if that fixes it. For some reason on mine it needed to do all of its first-run downloading and configuring and required a Steam restart to finish it.
Second, even though it seems to run without issue on Steam's default version of Proton I still recommend running it with GE-Proton8-14 (or your preferred version) anyway. I've noticed that running with GE gives marginally faster load times and generally improves performance just a little bit. Your mileage may vary.
Finally, AC6 hangs on shutdown no matter what I do. Not long, but a good minute or so after exiting out my mouse is inaccessible (keyboard seems to work fine) and the game still shows as running. Once it officially shuts down then my system resumes as normal.
Created a file called "steam_appid.txt" containing the number string "1888160" (the game's Steam ID) in "...Steam/steamapps/common/ARMORED CORE VI FIRES OF RUBICON/Game/". This seems to solve a problem with EasyAnticheat not letting the game launch properly. If you can't get past a black screen and a cursor, try this.
I've had to tinker with this twice on different versions of Linux Mint. No matter what, the game will hang still hang a bit on exit and this appears unavoidable. It doesn't interfere with my love of this game, however.
Using Proton GE is required for some cutscenes to work. Without it, gameplay still works flawlessly.
A bit repeditive and not particularly enjoyable as a stealth game, but it does run exceedingly well on Linux so props where they're due.
Nothing work
I tried every tweak mentioned by contributors here and the best I got was a never-ending black screen. Any changes to the launch options just caused the game to instantly crash.
A few freezes, but with an easy fix.
If you're experiencing freezes/crashes while using an NVIDIA card that has Profiles, set it to "NVIDIA (Performance Mode)" and restart your PC before playing. Don't just log out and back in like it says either. It has to be a restart. Doing this appears to solve the issue.
Virtually no problems, even for a Linux-gaming newb.
Switch Pro Controller would occasionally studder while holding a button. I'm not sure if this was Dark Souls fault, however.
On two occasions (out of 62 hours of play time) the visuals froze while the game continued to run in the background as evidenced by the audio and the state of the save upon force-quitting and resuming.
Ultimately the problems that I had were few and far between. Less even than most of the PC games that I've played on non-Linux systems.
VKD3D_FEATURE_LEVEL=12_0 %command% PROTON_NO_FSYNC=1 %command%
Occasionally freezes on a white screen when loading, usually if I try to play immediately after playing something else. Restarting the game usually fixes this.
If you're experiencing freezes in-game, make sure to install 'Elden Ring' on the same drive as your operating system. For whatever reason it will freeze the first time it has to load a new overworld zone if it's installed to a mounted drive.
To stop the game from auto-switching back to the Co-Op controls when selecting the Single Player controls, I followed the advice by user "Hello!" here on ProtonDB.
To reiterate the instructions:
- Right-click the game in your Steam Library, Browse, Local files, to get to the directory. (It'll have the .exe files)
- Create a plain text file named "autoexec.cfg".
- Put the following two lines into it and save:
wait 20
inputmode 2
This fixed the problems with the options not wanting to remain the way that I'd set them, allowing me to use the "Single Player" control scheme.
Using ProtonGE solved all of the problems with lighting and visual artifacts initially present.
I used the Switch Pro Controller and the button mapping was initially a mess. Using Steam's controller settings and loading the preset uploaded by the developers specifically for that controller fixed everything perfectly.
Despite supposedly having a native Linux version, I found going through ProtonGE to be the far superior experience as it solved a lot of visual glitches that are present normally on my hardware. I do still suggest trying it without tweaking it, particularly if visuals aren't all that important to you.
Opening cut scene kept fading in only to go black and fade in again over and over again.
Connecting a controller or giving ANY input (controller or keyboard) while a controller was connected casued a system crash. Not just game crash, my entire system froze.
After playing the first segment of the game, the following cutscene completely froze and would not allow me to progress further.
This is an old game, and so some problems are expected. Sadly it seems that most of the fixes out there are Windows-specific. Maybe someone smarter than me can get this running properly but unfortunately I need to throw in the towel on this one, at least for now.
A Wonderful Experience
Most games don't seem to want to run full-screen for me for some reason. This isn't unique to TUNIC.
Overall I highly recommend TUNIC. Not just because it runs extremely well without any tweaking, but also just because it's a really amazing and unique experience.