If you get the "Unable to create 3d Scene" error and you are on a Nvidia GPU, (and maybe Arch Linux) be sure you have the "lib32-nvidia-util" package installed. This fixes the error and the game should run with no further issues.
Connection seems the same as on Windows, but couldn't really tell since my friends were in the US and I am in Europe.

it works perfectly even mods works

Game doesn't launch despite all community recommendations
set play startup video = false in options.ini
The game doesn't launch to it's initial popup menu despite all launch arguments, Proton versions, or changes to options.ini.

use borderless window, fullscreen is broken
the game works perfectly but need some extra steps for avoid problems like "memory acces violation" this guide is good:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9eHKxLwrqU

Mouse sensitivity extremely high, fixable by just dragging the slider all the way down though
select borderless windowed on the launch option popup

The game is great and it works with just a simple launch parameter. Without the launch parameter, the game didn't launch at all on my PC.
You gotta launch it borderless fullscreen.

Throws "Unable to create 3d scene"
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
play startup video = false
Tried Proton GE, Proton Experimental, 9.0, 8.0, 5.13, nothing worked. Getting "Unable to create 3d scene". Also tried modified d3dim700.dll that allows to use any resolution higher than 1920x1080, but no matter what resolution I used (even lower than 1080p), I'm still getting "Unable to create 3d scene" error. Reinstalling the game doesn't help at all.

Memory access violation
Tried as early as proton 8 and as new as experimental, nothing worked. Games apparently borked on Windows too.

Memory access violation
Black screen and a popup that just says "Memory access violation". Sound works, but you can do nothing else.

gamemoderun %command%
https://youtu.be/j9eHKxLwrqU video
/home/nuestrousuario/.local/share/Steam/ creamos carpeta llamada "compatibilitytools.d" y pegar el proton
/home/nuestrousuario/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata Eliminamos la carpeta con nombre "1782380"
Opcional Agregar Parámetro gamemoderun STRANGLE_VSYNC=1 strangle 30 %command%

Unable to get past 40% loaded
I believe gstreamer plugins are installed when you try to run so the initial video doesn't immediately crash your game, but in case it isn't change "play startup video = 1" to 0.
I get an error stating "Failed to load Texture: GFX\npc\035victim.jpg". Not sure why because the file is there, perhaps its a symlink issue?

Worked perfectly out of the box, excluding windowing issue.
You can only launch the game in fullscreen or windowed fullscreen. Launching in windowed yeilds a black screen.
Enabling anti-aliased text crashes the game with a memory error.

It runs fine as long as you increase the gamma setting and start the game in borderless windowed mode.
You must launch the game in borderless windowed mode otherwise the game will just have a black screen on the main menu.
Performance degradation is pretty noticeable no matter what settings you use.
Make sure to turn the gamma up in the settings, with low brightness the performance is butchered for some reason. The brighter you run the game, the better the performance.

Black screen on the game launcher, was unable to play the game.
changed play video on start setting on options.ini
For me was completely unplayable, no matter how many tweaks I attempted could not get past the launcher.
PROTON_NO_D3D11=1 %command%
In "options.ini" disabled startup video: "play startup video = false"
Pretty much halved performance compared to Windows.
play in borderless windowed mode
play in borderless windowed mode

added a save button F5
Only borderless fullscreen worked, same on Windows.

Fantastic time to play with buds.
Mulitplayer has some issues, but it's the games fault, not the Proton layer, as all of my friends using Windows had the same issues.
I highly recommend to use the ingame voice chat (which worked perfectly with no further set up needed), play late at night, and turn off the lights. It's probably some of the most fun I've had in awhile.

Ran well and was fully playable
Worked really well

Only worked on Fullscreen

gamemoderun %command%
Fullscreen did not work unless I disabled startup videos
Seems like the game is capped at 60fps for some reason, sometimes performance even drops below that. I get around 800fps on windows for reference.

gamemoderun %command%
game runs well but after playing for an extended period of time performance degrades at least when hosting a match
when the game launches youll get a blackscreen until you move/click with your mouse

Right click -> Properties -> General -> Uncheck "Keep games saves in the Steam Clould..."
It worked initially, but broke after an update. Black screen/Crashing on launch. I think it was something that Steam kept syncing over.

Runs perfectly out of the box
gamemoderun %command%
Doesn't even start

Al abrir muestra una pantalla negra
PROTON_NO_D3D11=1 %command%
Probé con varias opciones de lanzamiento. gamemoderun %command% y %PROTON_USE_WINE3D=1 %command% y ninguno a logrado abrir el juego de forma óptima. He probado con toda la lista de PROTON y ninguna pasa de la pantalla negra. Una pena porque en Windows corría

The game just worked fine out of the box, both on Wayland and X11 (using GNOME)
Sadly wont run, odd because the base game runs fine on wine.
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
tried disabling start up video in options.ini
Welp, I couldn't get it to run no matter what I've tried... Something proton/vendor related? The original game outside of steam works fine...
Game simply crashes with "Memory Violation Error." before anything even displays.

Crash al inicio.
Estaba pensando jugar con unos amigos pero al parecer el juego no arranca...


Es para reírse con amigos... Nadie con dos dedos de frente jugaría esto solo porque si...
Los mismos problemas que tenían mis amigos desde Windows... Es el juego, no proton o linux!
Corre bien, como dije tiene los mismos problemas que otros usuarios de Windows reportan...

Works as expected, sometimes has garbled text but this is consistent with running the game on windows, anti-aliased text helps marginally.
Mouse was locked to the game window in fullscreen (exclusive fullscreen?)