The game works perfectly with the native build, no need to use Proton as some suggest.
I suspect those who are having audio issues with the native build don't have pipewire-alsa installed.
eval $(echo "%command%" | sed 's/Chivalry2Launcher.exe/TBL\/Binaries\/Win64\/Chivalry2-Win64-Shipping.exe/')
Make sure to install Proton EasyAntiCheat Runtime or otherwise you will be kicked within a few minutes of going online.
When using the Steam Deck, the game should run with about 50-60FPS on medium with the lowest drop I have seen being 45FPS.
The entire game feels like it has horrible frametimes but MangoHud doesn't pick up on it, whether this is the game itself or Linux, I'm not sure.
The native version is completely broken as most of the UI doesn't work.
The game works fine but it likes to start on the wrong monitor on multi-monitor setups, gamescope is a simple solution to this.
LD_PRELOAD="" gamescope -w 2560 -h 1080 -r 144 -f --force-grab-cursor --mangoapp -- gamemoderun %command%
SteamVR will almost always result in the game crashing on loading screens.
On AMD hardware in particular it appears the game will always crash on loading screens when trying to use SteamVR however OpenComposite seems to be a simple fix to this, Envision is a nice simple GUI solution that most people should be able to use. Just make sure to start the game once with SteamVR (ALVR is a common way to do this if you have a Quest) and then you can start the game with OpenComposite. I highly suggest using the priority branch of OpenComposite otherwise there is a control mapping issue that makes the eject button also make you turn.
Performance in some areas is really bad but as long as you have good hardware or low expectations then it's playable.
Shader complication is pretty rough here but more importantly, some areas are borderline unplayable on my hardware which I'd say is a problem. The map Sunny Meadows for example can barely crank 30FPS and is often running at 24-25FPS.
It runs fine as long as you increase the gamma setting and start the game in borderless windowed mode.
You must launch the game in borderless windowed mode otherwise the game will just have a black screen on the main menu.
Performance degradation is pretty noticeable no matter what settings you use.
Make sure to turn the gamma up in the settings, with low brightness the performance is butchered for some reason. The brighter you run the game, the better the performance.
Download both d3dx9 and xact, without these the game will crash on startup.