gamemoderun %command%
Very blurry even without motion blur
Only 30-40fps, graphic settings adjustments brought me out of the 20ish fps. Not enjoyable for me and given the other reports it's not the hardware alone.

Stable ~50fps on Gothic preset. What's strange no fps change when switched to High preset

Blurry (Probably TAA). Artifacting shadows.

just works
Without VSync enabled, it started stuttering quite fast. But with VSync, it was flawless.

Nyras demo works great
70-80 FPS on "Gothic" preset (it's High I guess). No tinkering needed, runs and looks great. I hope the full game runs the same.
Runs perfect, without any modifications required.
(Demo) Works out of the box

PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 VKD3D_CONFIG=shader_cache,force_host_cache RADV_PREFTEST=aco gamescope --steam --immediate-flips --adaptive-sync --nested-refresh 180 -w 1552 -h 970 -W 3840 -H 2400 -f -F fsr --fsr-sharpness 0 -S stretch --force-grab-cursor -- %command%
Enable vsync 'ingame' to help obtain consistent fps and reduce shader stutter.
Obviously start with gamemoderun. If it starts stuttering add something like " LD_PRELOAD="/usr/$LIB/libgamemode.so.0:/usr/$LIB/libgamemodeauto.so.0:$HOME/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/gameoverlayrenderer.so" " remove gamemoderun.
If it still stutters add and empty LD_PRELOAD="" before the original LD_PRELOAD="..." that loads things in. This is my work around to start gamemode and clear ld preload.
My gamescope is setup to use a 16:10 -w and -h aspect ratio. -S stretch is neccessary for me only if using something other than 16:9.

Playable without issues and any additional actions.
Demo has wood mechanics like the original Gothic 1. It can be advantage, depends on your expectations. Looks like in-game bugs are not OS-dependent (once main character model disappeard, and once couldn't take any action - loading last save resolved both). I had ~55-65FPS on high settings.

Game works very well under linux if your hardware is capable to handle it. This is still basically demo. So optimizations etc are missing
gamemoderun %command%
Choppiness on audio probably due to general game engine issues.
Game stutters due to Unreal Engine 5 issues. Nothing Proton/steam related so far
Game looks great but suffers generally UE5 issues of stuttering shader compilation etc?
My graphical settings are as following on 1440p:
- TSR + 80% resolution quality
- AA to Low
- Shadow Quality to High
- Global illumination to Medium Every other settings suggested Gothic setting.
- Bloom 0
- Ambient occlusion 0
I get around 25 - 70 (mostly 50-60) FPS depending of area. Inside cave can keep up around 80-90 easily and framerate is ofc more stable.
The issue with the game is that frame times jump between ~11ms - ~40ms all the time making game somewhat unplayable if move. Thou the frametimes settle when you dont move the camera. Not sure if some setting would make it more stable.
Other than that. Game works fine.
Played the Demo - Nyras Prolouge - flawlessly. The "Gothic" Preset comes with 40-65 FPS. High Preset 80-110FPS. Absolutly playable.
Works out of the box for me.

Some crackling and artifacts before main menu shows up. Just a minor issue. Didn't bother me at all.

xwayland-run -geometry 2560x1600 -- gamemoderun mangohud %command%
Default monitor parameter does not recognize correct resolution, thus I can't enter fullscreen mode and use game settings to change resolution
- Native 4096x2560: 0x2560
- XWayland-run -geometry 2560x1600 : 1024x2880
Low fps (<15) with native resolution, Descent (~55) with 2560x1600
Due to a bug with default monitor resolution detection I'm forced to use windowed/frameless mode and unable to alter resolution via game settings (xwayland-run -fullscreen can't be used to). With default proton there are stuttering during cutscenes and starting videos.

Crashes my Complete PC
After the first cutscenes in the intro, my complete PC crashes and reboots