adjusted the power usage through the gpu frequency along with other basic things in the SteamOS overlay.
Only ever occured when trying to play with a mouse and keyboard, but the problem always resolves itself.
It's an EA launcher game on Steam Deck, need I say more? (Yes lol) Saves had occasional syncing issues but waiting a while like suggestion fixxes it.
Frame drops were common until I made adjustmentsnto the steam deck Vram.
My wifi is kinda bad so that's a contributer. I sometimes had trouble seeing my EA friends when they were in a group. I do get disconected from the servers sometimes on a spesific map. Sometimes have trouble connecting to the server.
I would recommend using cryo utilities for performance improvements. Set Vram to 4GB that will prevent a lot of crashes. A person can enjoy without this but it's a lot better with this system moddification. It's easy, watch ETA Prime on how to improve performance. That's what I did.

This game has been one I have been desperate to get playable on the Deck. I had seen pre Feb 2024, this game ran flawlessly. However post-Feb it was borked.
I used Fer's advice below (+1 Fer) and installed the CyroUtilities. It was super easy; install and choose recomended settings.
Game booted up and just played 3 games in a row with no issues.
IT WORKS - I am so happy.
You have to go through EA's custom app login process the first time.
The game will crash your Steam Deck because it runs out of swap space. You need to use something like cryo tools (https://github.com/CryoByte33/steam-deck-utilities) to increase the default swap space. The recommended settings worked for me. Once you make it work, the performance is amazing and the game works flawlessly.

The crashes make the game not really beginnerfriendly. Also the occasional EA Loader bug sucks
Some day it wont get past the EA Loader App
Sometimes it hard crashes the Deck.
Great perfomance if it runs. Otherwise the EA App is crap and the hardcrashes are in the way of pure fun.

L3 - Sprint L4 - Change Shoulder Camera
Make sure to run the game once in desktop mode to sign into EA.
For best performance with very minimal issues and consistant 60 Fps I would recommend the following settings on the steam deck.
Proton 8.0-4
Set in game graphical settings to medium.
Performance Settings:
Frame Limit set to 60 FPS
TDP Limit on
Watts set to 15
Scaling Filter FSR on
FSR Sharpness set to 5
PowerTools Settings:
SMT set to on
Threads set to 8

NikoGenn method tried.
Loads up until the intro space credits then freezes and needs hard reboot.

It seems like as of today, the game will not launch on the new Steam Deck OLED. It will HARD crash every time a level is loaded.
When booting into the game through EA play, the game will have occasional crashes. These were my findings using GE-Proton 8-25, and proton experimental.

The game would be perfect without EA. They banned my account, permanently and without reason. I suspect the anticheat detected proton as cheating.
A blank window opens and closes a few times before it finally gives up and quits.

Working great, but don't change DirectX from 11 to 12 in game settings. This will crash the game on launch
Working great, but don't change DirectX from 11 to 12 in game settings. This will crash the game on launch
Don't change DirectX from 11 to 12 in game settings. This will crash the game on launch. To fix it you have to change DirectX setting back to 11 in game files. How to do it:
- Switch to Desktop mode
- Go to /deck/home/.local/share/steam/steamapps/compatdata/1237950//c_drive/users/steamuser/documents/Star wars battlefront II/settings
- Open BootOptions file
- Replace 1 to 0 in EnableDx12 line
- Save file
- Boot game, change DirectX 12 setting back to 11 in game
Works great on medium settings 60 fps. Crashes on launch if you select DirectX 12 in game settings.
Setting up gamepad
Rarely have to reapply controller settings when booting up
They just have to change controller layout to a gamepad layout.
Boots when connected to online. Doesn’t boot when offline. (How to play offline: connect to internet when booting up game, than disconnect from internet.)
Expected framerate on graphical settings
Low-not tested ( likely stable 60 based on medium)
Medium-60fps minimal dips
High-50ish fps (cap at 40 for best results)
Ultra-around 35fps (cap at 30 for best results.)
Known bugs-
Might have technical stuttering at the beginning of the match/level. (Goes away within a couple of seconds)
Might have to reapply gamepad layout at the beginning of each boot up (only takes like 10 seconds to do)

If the volume is adjusted while running the game, it will often times switch from controller to strictly mouse and keyboard. Restart the game to fix.
Slight FPS drops on Kashyyyk. Still playable.
After completing a round, the game will occasionally crash. Its rare, but does happen. All progress saves before the crash.
Playing online worked just fine - But after initial bootup, you may need to attempt the login multiple times.
|| - On Deck Settings - ||
|| Frame Rate Limit: Off ||
|| Refresh Rate: 60 ||
|| All other battery-saver settings switched off.|| - In Game Settings - ||
|| High Dynamic Range: Off ||
|| Enable DirectX 12: Off ||
|| VSync: Off ||
|| Field of View: 55 ||
|| Motion Blur: 0% ||
|| Filmic Effects: On ||
|| Film Grain: On ||
|| Lens Distortion: On ||
|| Resolution Scale: 100% ||
|| Texture Quality: Medium ||
|| Texture Filtering: Medium ||
|| Lighting Quality: Medium ||
|| Shadow Quality: Medium ||
|| Effects Quality: Medium ||
|| Post Process Quality: Low ||
|| Mesh Quality: Medium ||
|| Terrain Quality: Medium ||
|| Terrain Ground Cover: Medium ||
|| Anti-Aliasing: TAA Low ||
|| Ambient Occlusion: Advanced AO ||
Hooked up a keyboard and mouse then tried to connect an Xbox controller to try it out but then it just softlocks you in the game. Neither controller or the keyboard was able to move the character.
EA app will try to open several times before giving up, going into the background and launching the game.
Minor stuttering but nothing too major
Sometimes it will boot and will completely refuse to connect to EA servers. Restarting the game until it connects does solve the issue but is a very big hassle.
As long as it connects to EA servers and you don't try to connect two types of controls it should be a decent experience.
Would consistently crash when connected to EA servers while playing single player arcade mode. The crash would occur after gameplay was completed.
The biggest problem with multiplayer is the lack of people to play with. The community on Xbox is magnitudes (pop pop!) larger.
A lot of fun, just had to use Proton Experimental and booted straight in. No issues. EA app worked right away. Slow to boot.
A little small at native resolution
Worked great; no issues. Struggled to find a Supremacy match but Co-op was straight in!
8watt TDP, 40hz/fps
Trouble happened once then second launch was fine
All proton 7 versions don't work including GE
10 watt tdp
I capped the framerate to 60, helped in menu and videos.
The game chrashes when launching "Instant Action" single player, but everything else works fine.
The game sometimes has a problem with initially connecting to game servers, this happens on windows too.
Default settings are great on deck (defaults to medium and native res which looks fantastic, runs solid 60fps for me under proton GE 7-39.
turn on Vsync
a little small
if you hae a keyboard/mouse connected it can glitch between gamepad and mouse/keyboard on screen prompts
must use GE or experimental to work or EA app with hang the game on launch.
Tried all the major Proton versions, none worked
Other user reports seem to indicate that it's functional, but invisible as we've seen with some other login windows.
Regardless of random stuttering, game is very playable and is overall a good experience for a typical gaming session.
Used 40Hz Mode / VSYNC
Occasionally, game would get stuck flipping between KBM and Controller prompts, would lock controls from working.
Title would frequently stutter when using sprint or turning camera too fast. Stutters were present equally on 60, 40 and 30 fps modes indicating shader cache issues.
Game runs fairly well out of the box, Mainline Proton seems stable enough, but controls may go haywire from time to time (Reboot fixes it), didn't experience any crashes but has frequent stuttering issues.
Works well out of the box, but only if you have an internet connection because Origin won't sign in offline
No mixed input support, if you use gyro as mouse you need to map the rest of the inputs to keyboard+mouse
Origin is kind of a pain

gamemoderun %command%
Had the misfortune in getting some games (Titanfall 2, Battlefront 2, Battlefield 1) through Origin so I did the following:
Followed the Guide here in r/steamdeck to get Origin launching in Steam and have the Origin Games launching within Steam Game Mode.
Once that is sorted, I then installed Proton-GE following this post, which allowed me to install Proton-GE7.18 and used that in game.
On game launch option, make certain you add 'STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH="/home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/{ORIGIN NUMBER}" gamemoderun %command%' as well for the extra FPS.
Games runs smooth on 'Auto' Graphics settings (which on steamdeck defaults to medium).
Trying to use Mouse while also using Joystick would max out the joystick vertically. To alleviate, use the trackpad/gyro as Joystick instead of Mouse.
Biggest concern is just the installation part and having to log in to Origin. Not really a problem unless you have a long, complex password; trying to enter with the on-screen keyboard takes a bit of time...
Bound L4 and R4 grip buttons to each side's corresponding stick clicks. Made it much easier to control.
The game sometimes has a problem with initially connecting to game servers, this happens on windows too.
Works pretty much flawlessly out of the box.