Played on a private online lobby with friends. Worked flawlessly even when hosting from the deck.
Hooked up a keyboard and mouse then tried to connect an Xbox controller to try it out but then it just softlocks you in the game. Neither controller or the keyboard was able to move the character.
EA app will try to open several times before giving up, going into the background and launching the game.
Minor stuttering but nothing too major
Sometimes it will boot and will completely refuse to connect to EA servers. Restarting the game until it connects does solve the issue but is a very big hassle.
As long as it connects to EA servers and you don't try to connect two types of controls it should be a decent experience.
Heard there was a bug with cutscenes but I didn't find that issue. Maybe Valve fixed that with a Proton update.
Very infrequent fps drops.
Played with a friend online and had an absolute blast.
Other than the game having a weird system for setting up local mulitplayer, it ran perfect.
Incredible game to play on deck. Runs perfectly and controls are very easy to use.
Only problem with training was input lag on keyboard/mouse. May be an issue with my dock though. Haven't tried out LAN but in theory it should work since LAN games don't use the anti-cheat.
Will not even boot into the game even with several different proton versions. Throws D3DERR_NOTAVAILABLE error every single time.
Completely unplayable even after reinstalling and verifying game files.