Black screen at the beginning. No sound. Nothing else happens.
I tried some Launch Options. The only result that I got was that PROTON_NO_D3D11=1 %command% didn't launched the game. I thought it was some Media Foundation problem and I erased the splash movies, but the result was the same. I also tried with the Glorious Eggroll Proton with no result. I see a loading symbol for a second and I can see the game cursor when I put a program over the game, but nothing else.
A problem with splash videos, probably Media Foundation, but it works perfectly after that.
When the game starts, it shows only a black screen. Press Enter a few times to make it jump/avoid the cinematics and it starts without problem (I tried to erase the movies, but I still must press enter). The game works perfectly after that. I tried to play a match and it never started, but that can be because there wasn't any players at the moment.
Game crashes to desktop when loading in singleplayer, crashes with error when loading a multiplayer server.
Tried using ProtonGE, installing Proton BattleEye Runtime and running it with flag -BattlEye. ProtonGE is necessary to reach the main menu, but loading singleplayer makes the game crash. Trying to join a server shows an error message: "GameThread timed out waiting for RenderThread"
eval $( echo "%command%" | sed "s/Launcher\/FuncomLauncher.exe'.*/ConanSandbox\/Binaries\/Win64\/ConanSandbox.exe'/" ) -BattlEye
Sometimes objects or special attacks may have a pink color like it didn't load correctly. Usually fixes itself in less than a second.
Cinematics are kind of ruined with desyncs. The first cinematics are pink.
Should probably test older Proton GE too. Haven't checked multiplayer. Doesn't run otherwise, not even with Proton GE
After updating drivers and using latest Glorious Eggroll Proton, the game works as native, 60 FPS in max settings.
GloriousEggroll Proton-5.4-GE-3 GloriousEggroll
GloriousEggroll Proton-5.4-GE-3. vulkan-loader or vulkan-icd-loader must be version 1.2.135. In AMD, install mesa-git, no ACO.
Works perfectly in Proton 4.2-9 or less. No prerendered videos and portraits fail, but it works perfectly.
All portraits in the dialogs in the Campaign and Tutorial mode are failing.
None of the prerendered movies work. They simply don't appear.
The game didn't launched at first. The script mentioned that the game didn't worked because the launcher was in .net 4.0, so I used winetricks changing the variable to WINEPREFIX=~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/244160/pfx/ winetricks and installed .NET 4.0. The launcher worked, but I couldn't see anything. The buttons appeared when I moved the mouse over them and I could launch the game. Good enough for me, I didn't tried the script. Beyond that, I played the tutorial and first missions from Homeworld 1 R without problem and in max settings, but it crashed when I closed it. Didn't tried H2R (Expecting the same results), multiplayer and the originals (I don't think I'm going to get any problem there).
Launcher is borked. Even if it looks like it works, it doesn't. Launch the game directly through the executable instead.
Initial Gearbox movie glitched audio, everything else works.
The launcher is able to open, but when it launches the game, it crashes. Running the executables directly opens all games (except Homeworld 2 classic) without problem. Used SteamTinkerLaunch to add the parameters more easily. Go into SteamTinkerLaunch, open Game Menu, Use Custom Command and Only custom command.
To launch HW1 Remastered: Custom Command: {Homeworld Game Folder}/HomeworldRM/bin/Release/HomeworldRM.exe Custom Command Parameters: -dlccampaign HW1Campaign.big -campaign HomeworldClassic -moviepath DataHW1Campaign
To launch HW2 Remastered: Custom Command: {Homeworld Game Folder}/HomeworldRM/bin/Release/HomeworldRM.exe Custom Command Parameters: -dlccampaign HW2Campaign.big -campaign Ascension -moviepath DataHW2Campaign
To launch HW1 Classic: Custom Command: {Homeworld Game Folder}/Homeworld1Classic/exe/Homeworld.exe Custom Command Parameters: none
To launch HW2 Classic: Unable to run. Generates a log saying "Homeworld2.exe caused Unknown exception type in module seDXAudio.dll at 0023:0337228f."
Having a controller connected causes input problems. Game works perfect otherwise.
Keeping the controller connected causes a lock on running and inhability to use items
The game has no steam cloud and the savefile is saved on the compatdata, so be careful with that.
Menus work, but new game won't start. Go to ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SpaceEmpiresV/SE5/Data/, open Settings.txt and change Allow Music to FALSE. You won't have music, but the game works. Was unable to play the tutorial, but Quick Start worked fine. Solution from WineHQ.
There is no music, of course.
Some lines crossing the screen from some objects like stars or planets. Nothing serious.
The game works out of the box. Slight problems with smaller screens
Game didn't look so great at first. Had to deactivate frame blending, leave Shadows at 3 instead of 4 and increase saturation and contrast to improve the image. Increasing resolution also helps, but starts causing more graphical degradation. However, the problem could be my screen more than Linux itself (I guess that the optimal way to play this game is in a Full HD screen).
It can escape, but the game becomes a black screen and must be killed.
With the latest Steam update, Steam precompiles Vulkan shaders for this game, improving performance significatively.
Settings like frame smoothing and temporal AA cause serious image degradation. It could improve in higher resolutions.
When in fullscreen, the game can't be alt tabbed or it causes a bug when the screen gets black. The game must be killed then.
Without the latest Mesa drivers, the precompiled shaders can cause my AMD graphics card to crash.
The game has problems with folder path size. Move it to a short path or use symlinks/SteamTinkerLaunch to launch it from the game's bottle
Problem with folder path size. Appears to fail with Flatpak steam. Either move it to a library with a shorter path, or make a symlink in the game's bottle and use SteamTinkerLaunch to launch it from there.