Blue screen
It felt like I was on Windows again, it was very traumatic.
6.1-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
A few black textures, but nothing too major. Major issues were fixed by using the aforementioned flags, switching to DX11, and switching to Proton GE.
Fullscreen microstutter. Solved with the aforementioned config changes.
Major FPS drops on minimum settings around neon lights. Naturally, in Night City, that's a problem.
Set everything to minimum. Tried Proton 5.13, experimental, and 6.4-GE. Tried mesa 20 and 21 (tip: on Arch you can find v21 precompiled in testing repos). Tried various flags recommended by others. Nothing solved the major FPS drops around neon lights. I also experienced two crashes in my one hour of testing.
This was with an RX 6800. YMMV.
Cursor moves in Steam overlay menu, otherwise flawless
Cutscenes/videos are very loud, seemingly unaffected by audio settings.
Leaving full-screen could break the window.
Requires custom SKSE to be extracted into the installation directory (see other reports for link to the GitHub comment). Without it the settings will be completely ignored, hence the game by default starting in windowed German.
Launched a few times, then without any changes it no longer launches. (Similar to another recent report.)
Controller has wrong mappings until power cycled.
Crashed the entire system once in one hour.
See the two mentioned issues, major stutters and input lag versus playing natively on Windows.
Major stutters every minute or two.
EAC won't work until you chmod 555 the directory located at: SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/393380/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Temp/
Works with the Temp directory permissions change.
Fullscreen was buggy with my TWM, switching to borderless windowed solved it.
Uplay is a bit of a sod, so here's my experience:
On first run let Uplay update/install; if you get an error popup, ignore it, continue letting Uplay update. Once the Uplay download window is gone you can okay the error popup.
On second run you can log into Uplay.
On third run the game will bind to your Uplay account and launch.