Works great!
Extremely rarely mouse input position got messed up, a quick restart resolved it.
eval $(echo "%command%" | sed 's/Chivalry2Launcher.exe/TBL\/Binaries\/Win64\/Chivalry2-Win64-Shipping.exe/')
gamemoderun DXVK_ASYNC=1 gamescope -f -h 2160 -H 2160 -w 3840 -W 3840 -- mangohud %command%
Struggling at 40-60 FPS on top-end hardware.
With some work from the game developers this could work well as the game itself works, but as it is now it's just not a pleasant experience. Refunding it unfortunately.
Game starts, but freezes when trying to load a level.
No effort was done to test protonfixes, but OOTB it doesn't work.
Ran command protontricks 1011190 winxp
Crashes after watching videos on phone video player, repeatable with both Proton Experimental and GE.
Startable but something is a bit broken.
Game is unplayable regardless of OS. It was an online game and as its servers are shut down it's no longer possible to play at all.
Abandonware requiring servers which no longer exists.
Plays perfectly.
Played with GNOME Wayland, so reports claiming it isn't wayland compatible aren't entirely accurate. Played through the game a few times.
Works great!
I had fewer issues than my Windows using compatriots who experienced file system issues.