Everything is fine except for the stutter.
Frequently freeze below 30fps.And the screen will be ghosted when it freezes.
The frame rate is around 65fps, but will frequently freeze below 30fps.
Everything is perfect except for the freeze.
Frequent frame drops below 30fps, and the screen ghosts when it freezes.
The frame rate is around 60fps, but it drops frames frequently.
To play this game,you have to use Proton 5.0 "next" branch. In the Steam client, the Proton 5.0 app should have a "next" beta branch in its Properties dialog, which you can choose to start testing the 5.0-10 release candidates.
See more:
Compared to the Windows versions, the performance drops about 50% or more, and still has frequent freezing.
The latest Proton 5.0-10-rc3 version is now able to run version 1.01 of the game without any settings!
A little bit slower than windows'version.
protontricks 1106080 mfc42 winxp l3codecx corefonts
Then this game runs perfectly.