One crash so far, happened as I went supersonic.
Videos dont play, in-game cutscenes work fine.
protontricks 962130 -q dotnet472 and protontricks win7
No audio whatsoever, fixed with protontricks 962130 -q dotnet472
Major framerate drop in the first 30 seconds of the game. Smooth and high framerate otherwise.
How to install protontricks: https://github.com/Matoking/protontricks
Game ran smooth with all graphics settings maxed.
protontricks 824270 vcrun2019
Right click the game in your steam list, go to Manage->Browse Local Files. Go to ./Engine/Extras and rename the Redist folder to anything else. Now when you start the game the UE4 redist won't be detected and the game starts without complaint.
Should work on any newer version of proton, since the installer is bypassed entirely.
Can't start game in VR since 4/7 update.
gamemoderun %command%
On 4/7 the game converted to openXR. One computer starts it in pancake mode regardless, the other throws an error that the game is not VR compatible and crashes steamvr with error -203.
Prior to this I've logged hundreds of hours on this game in VR on both machines.
gamemoderun %command%
Spent a year trying to troubleshoot this title not starting in VR. Tried every last thing I found online, made several reports and discussed with several VR developers, no dice.
Only thing that got VR working was swapping my 2080TI for a 7900XTX and using gamemode with forced experimental. No other tweaks, hacks, config file changes did the trick.
Install game, run once, close out. Install VCRun2015 using protontricks, make directory C:\ProgramData\FOVE (don't know if required, but saw it suggested so why not). Start with the option "+mphost 1" to go straight into multiplayer (also suggested but don't know if needed).
Game would start rendering but still crash.
Went to /steamapps/common/QuiVr and changed the contents of steam_appid.txt to 489380.
Restarted steam, ran steamvr, ran game, everything working 100%. Didn't check the numbers, but the framerate and gameplay was smooth, probably >60fps
Doesn't come up on headset
Ran with various runners, old and new, vanilla and GE.
First I encountered error:
Unable to run the command specified. The file or folder /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/bin/vrwebhelper/linux64/"steam://open/bigpicture/games?backstack_token=system.dashboard.quicklaunch" does not exist.
Fixed this by right clicking Vermillion->Properties->General and unticked "Use Desktop Game Theatre while SteamVR is active"
After this I tried to launch and got a black screen in the HMD. Got around this by going to SteamVR settings->Developer->(paraphrashing from memory) "Set SteamVR as OpenXR runner"
Now the game audio is coming through to the HMD, and the game comes up on the desktop monitor, but the top half of the rendered screen is the room you start in, and the bottom half is just more skybox. No video appears on the HMD, just the steamvr loading dome.
I'll keep poking around, but the issue seems to be tied to this being an OpenXR game and not being seen as a VR game. I interpret the first error I encountered as meaning SteamVR doesn't recognize this as a VR game (hence using Desktop Game Theater, which is meant for non-vr games).