SourGummyes (Barry)
I love bioshock infinite and I can certaintly say this is a good way to play it, though d-pad use kinda sucks due to how the deck is layed out.
I recomend adding some stuff that the PC version has just for ease of use, such as Quick-Save/Quick-Load. I just use the back buttons to make switching plasmids and weapons easier.
Runs full 60FPS at 6 Watts. you can go to 5 for incosistent 60, and 4 for 30.
Ocassionally the game loads with incorrect lighting on your weapons, switching weapons fixes this.
I didn't have any of my steam saves so I had to start from square one.
I mean, it's bioshock. The game has not aged the best, though it's a great game. The game is VERY buggy, but more in the "haha that's a funny bug" type of way. Mostly physics bugs that don't get in the way of gameplay.
Inventory screen can be really hard to read, and I usually have no struggle reading on the deck screen.
The game is honestly pretty amazing here, as it has a pre-set graphics settings specifically for the deck. I recommend changing the upscaling settings to Quality, as it makes the game look WAY better with little performance impact. Game runs very well and consistently, and I haven't experienced any deck specific issues, just general issues 2077 always had. Amazing way to play this game.
I tried switching to GE, switching to older proton, and forcing experimental, none work at all.
Modded the game using DML and D4M, i believe the mods I use on my PC fix some issues this game has on deck performance-wise, namely DivaNoSpy and High Refresh Rate.
used the left grips for Left Slider, right grips for right slider, feels better on the hands due to how the deck is layed out.
I recommend modding the game, base Mega Mix+ doesn't have some songs other versions do have, and is missing the upgraded PVs that F2nd added.
The issues I ran into playing were issues with this remaster in general, game runs good and looks good.
Game can run at 9 Watts at 60fps, I set it to this personally, though you can go even lower and get fine performance.
The Remaster is honestly, not that great. I only played the last part of Episode 3 on here but the remaster just has times where the audio just straight up cuts out or is completely missing. If you have the original get it, if you got the Remaster through a bundle like True Colours, I recommend playing the remaster rather then rebuying the game.
More specifically, i hex-edited the exe to run the game at 16:10, not required but is a bit nicer on the steam deck. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2597469364 < Follow this guide if you wish to do the same as me, and use "CD CC CC 3F" to replace. If you want to do all this directly on the deck, I believed i used the hex editor ImHex
During major cinematics (such as starting or ending a palace, these cinematics do not use bust-ups and just have subtitles on the bottom, usually fully motion captured animation.) there is no sound except for whatever background music should be playing. Minor cinematics do not have any audio issues (these are Cinematics where they use bust-ups and dialogue boxes)
It runs, it still looks very bad but that's just how strikers looks. Definitely an improvement over the switch release.
GST_PLUGIN_FEATURE_RANK=protonaudioconverterbin:NONE %command%
Without the GE Launch Option, there will be no audio in major cutscenes (the ones with full motion animation and cameras). This has been fixed using the launch option to disable the audio plugin.
The game dips but is an issue with the game itself, and not the steam deck. Turn off Anti-Ailising though, it makes the game look WAY worse with it on.
Game runs, plays, and looks good. you shouldn't have any issues except battery life being somewhat short.
I don't like RDRO, but it does work.
There's a few places where there is Z-Fighting that don't exist running natively on Windows. namely the up arrow texture on boom barriers, though it does happen in other places.
Game runs at 30-60 on 15 Watts, perfectly playable, but embarrasing giving it's a nearly decade old game.
Watch_Dogs online kind of sucks to be honest, espically on PC. It runs perfectly fine though, no real issues.
The game has been updated to use Ubisoft Connect by default, you don't need to jump through hoops to get Ubisoft Connect installed. GE-Proton gives a bit more of a performance boost, attaining 60 in some places it didn't before.
Whenever an NPC is highlighted during hacking, the effect it uses is visually corrupted, not a game breaker just a minor problem I noticed when I switched to playing on the deck.
Sucks you have to sacrifice online to play on the deck, not a deal breaker, but a little sad. Though I don't think WD2 online even works on PC anymore? I've never gotten it to work.