Crashes after every few races, maybe once every 45-60 minutes.
Ran perfectly first couple hours then started crashing on most loading screens or even dialog once reaching the second big area. Disabling esync and haven't had any more crashes after several more hours.
Unexplainable brief moments of frame drops (slowest was in the teens for a few seconds), but usually held rock steady 120 FPS (or more until I turned on vsync) at 4k with a RTX4090.
The logos and stuff on game launch seemed to be all black, but can just escape through them to the main menu. Seemed to be sensitive to being installed on my primary drive. Vsync seemed to help the physics system a little bit, including the shooting minigame, but ultimately it's an engine problem that prevents sneaking over some geometry.
Antigua harbour town at night with rainfall resulted in some dropped and glitchy audio
One instance of disappearing geometry after playing for several hours, resolved with a relaunch
Turned off Steam Input to have controller detected
Open the config on first launch and follow earlier suggestions for no frame buffer and no system mouse. I used windowed full screen at 4k. Sometimes the game window would come up and then die, I'd have to restart once or a few times but then everything would be fine. Use Proton GE to see the movie cutscenes.
The opening movie, ending movie, and credits movies do not play.
Not watching the opening is actually better so you don't see all the characters right away. Watch the ending on youtube since the game overlays some text that's not present in the movie/ys7_ep.wmv file. Otherwise pretty flawless experience.
Flawless except for the recurring issue with the other Ys games, there are 3 short video cutscenes (intro, ending, and credits) that don't play out of the box. This is fixable using the same methods as with Ys 1 & 2 through winetricks. For me this required running the command:
"WINEPREFIX=/full/path/to/SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/207320/pfx/ winetricks amstream quartz"
You'll know it worked by having the video for the xseed and falcom logos play when starting the game, instead of jumping right to the menu. The first in-game video doesn't play until after the tutorial combat.