Controller support is broken, if docked, you'll need to set a control stick to mouse input to get through the menus.
Also, even if not playing docked, you'll still need to change the controls quite a lot since the defaults don't include a lot of functionality. Works, but requires heavily modifying controls, especially to play docked.
No problems at all in handheld mode
Game softlocks in the snow level if you play with the Steam Deck docked on certain TVs, but you can fix it by temporarily undocking it just to get past the offending screen.
Works fine, basically flawlessly.
On the small resolution of the Steam Deck, some items with very long descriptions have the last few lines of text cut off. Most can be read of the item happens to be in a different part of the menu, though.
Got stuck on the Godot splash screen a single time, but it was fixed when rebooting. Never had that problem before or since, and was likely just my Steam Deck acting up.
On Steam Deck, it occasionally drops your button inputs. (This hasn't happened for any other game, so I'm reasonably certain this game is the problem).
Perfectly playable, the dropped inputs only really interfere with 1 or 2 parts of the game, but you can still 100% it despite that.
Main menu is just a black screen with sound playing.
Tried Proton-GE as well, with no results.
Works fine overall, but I highly recommend the battle FPS patch since it'll run at around 15FPS in battle otherwise.
25FPS battle patch makes the game a lot more fluid
Set the right stick to joystick mouse to easily play while docked, otherwise just use the touch screen
Runs mostly fine, but drains the battery faster than you'd expect.
Fairly frequent stuttering, but not game-breakingly bad.
With most of the game being silent, it would be quite a boring experience unless you're multitasking to something else.
Mouse / Touch screen needed to launch the game
The title screen music works, but not the music during most of the gameplay.
The constant crashing of your entire steam deck will make this a pretty horrible experience, barely getting to actualy play the game.
Tried limiting to 40FPS to save batteries, but it made the game even less stable. Overall, you barely get an hour of gameplay from full charge.
While it doesn't have a launcher, it doesn't automatically focus on the game when it's launched, so you need to manually select it from the steam menu.
Some text is very small on the Deck.
Sometimes defaults the Steam Deck's controls to controller 2, even with no other controller connected.
Frames drops when launching the game, but they mostly stabilize after a while when not in a base.
Crashes every 20 or so minutes, forcing a reboot of the entire steam deck every time. It would then get stuck on synching to the cloud, making the whole process waste a good 10 minutes every time.
Wait for fixes or try streaming it from a PC, but avoid getting it for your Steam Deck in its current state.
Works perfectly
No problems at all with the gameplay. Achievements didn't appear during gameplay, but all appear at once as soon as you close the game.
A message talking about Java runtime pops up, before the gamer closes
Currently unplayable, even after testing a few versions of Proton (including GE)
Runs perfectly on Deck
The "graphical glitches" noted by some are just the Warp Zones, a deliberate feature hidden in some levels.
Fonts are cluttered are a bit difficult to read due to them not loading properly by default
You need to click through two font loading errors when launching the game, and while the font is a little hard to read due to this, the game is still perfectly playable.
Works fine
Game often tries to switch back to mouse / keyboard inputs, making a small custom cursor appear on-screen, and won't leave until you touch the touchscreen and then press a button again. Mostly just a very minor inconvenience.